How is everyone? How are people who were shielding or staying away from the work place because they are vulnerable getting on having returned to the workplace?
I returned to work yesterday after being off since March. I never received a shielding letter but I spoke to my Gp at the end of March & he advised me not to go into work as I work in a massive open plan office of over 300 people. (We are seen as key workers so the office was open it never closed) He wrote to my work twice during my time off explaining why it wasn’t a safe environment due to my asthma. Returning to work was awful I never had a risk assessment. I was sat with a circle of 4 people almost surrounding me. They were all facing me. It certainly didn’t feel like they was a 2m distance between us although I was assured there was. (It must have been to the centimetre.) Between me and one of the other people there was a walk way with colleagues walking past constantly and they were max of 1 meter between me and them as they passed. Some even walked past coughing the canteen was packed less than a meter distancing. (I went and sat in my car during breaks. It was the only place I felt safe) Moving around the building there was no social distancing. Nobody was wearing masks. I also discovered that over 100 people are working from home. I requested this over a week before I went off and was told it wouldn’t happen.
I got so upset and distressed about it I advised I had to go home I couldn’t stay and I was told if I left I would be placed on unauthorised or unpaid leave. I felt threatened. I also can’t afford to take any further unpaid leave. They stopped paying me SSP about 3 weeks ago and I have been on unpaid leave since
Has anyone had a similar experience? What did you do? I can’t sleep. I am back in work on Friday and I am absolutely dreading it.
Take Care C x