Looks like I have either viral or cough induced asthma. Waiting for nurse assessment. Fostair and ventolin as needed. Sats 96% peak flow 550 for a 67 yr old. Get this annoying tickle off and on back of throat when breathing thru mouth Just finished Prednisilone as gasps lately. On antihistamines. As I said so annoying. Please am I not alone with these symptoms. Interestingly I was diagnosed asthma 20 years ago but have been asymptomatic till now.
So Annoying: Looks like I have either... - Asthma Community ...
So Annoying

You are not alone Bertyboy. I too get the tickly cough you mention. Before I was diagnosed it was the only symptom I had. I didn’t realise it had anything to do with asthma, soI didn’t contact my GP and paid the price!
Now, as soon as it starts I take a couple of blues and that settles it.
That sounds familiar! It used to wake me at night ( still does sometimes) and intermittently I sought help when it got really bad, but never got anything that sorted it........until a couple of years after I was finally diagnosed. It is so irritating! These days when it gets bad I have learned to use Ventolin, which helps at least some of the time.
I use it on the first tickle Wheezycat. It goes away almost immediately.
Quite! But that particular connection is one I discovered for myself! Rather that my throat can get a bit inflamed when my airways are inflamed. Occasionally the tickle if it is not persistent I can shift it just with a cough sweet or some water, thus I have a whole box of cough sweets to back me up. But absolutely, if in the slightest persistent then the Ventolin does the trick, almost miraculously.
Just once a GP cottoned on to this - as I was getting worse and worse she checked back their records and realised how many times I had sought help with this. At that time I myself hadn’t realised my asthma was more significant, and nor did they until that time. These days both I and they are far better at recognising it.
It's all a guessing game at the mo. GP just doing phone consultations. I do wonder if I may have some reflux as I get odd tastes . Can be a cause. But nobody seen me yet. I will use ventolin more. Misstakingly I thought just use it chest is tight
That is so easily done! It took me some time to try Ventolin for it, and I am so glad I did! Just try yourself experimenting with it! You will know soon enough if it helps!
Good to hear from you. I have peculiar taste in mouth. Comes and goes. Make me wonder if theres a connection here with reflux inducing asthma.
Im thinking staying at home more makes asthmatics bad ive not been able to control my breathing now for weeks taking all meds prescribed and not prescribed still no let up .I don't think I'm going to be able to breathe better until im outside more than indoors hopefully soon .My peak flow is 350 as normal my sats 96 as normal but still can't breathe easy its got to be indoors the problem .
I am similar, in that I have been pretty asymptomatic until now and with you, it is very annoying, and all worrying! I don’t have a cough, just need my inhaler though out the day. Am on Fostair, and also being weaned off a course of steroids and now taking montelukast. Not sure if I am getting better or not as it varies each day!
Mix two teaspoons of honey with a teaspoon of bronchial mix like covinia or any other bronchial mix add tablespoon of hot water mix & sip slowly the honey helps it stick to your throat & is antibiotic 👌
I had a cough for a year and doctor just giving my cough medicine because my chest was clear and chest X-ray was clear.and a year of the cough comes and going every few weeks.was told I had asthma by a stand in doctor.now have the cough five years.and chest pain since last April.so last April over chest pain was told to go to the hospital.doctor at hospital put me and a nasal spray and antihistamines but still get the cough every few weeks