I've just been diagnosed with asthma and been given the blue reliever inhaler and brown preventative one. I was also given an aero chamber to use, My question is Can I just swap the aerochamber between the two inhalers? It takes a long time to dry when I wash it so I can't do that between taking the different inhalers
Aero Chamber - can I use this with bo... - Asthma Community ...
Aero Chamber - can I use this with both inhalers?

You can if they are a pump version. I would recommend you to have a spare one so you can clean one and have one you can use if you have an attack. That's what I do and I am glad that I did

Thank you. That's a good idea, I will ask the nurse for a spare one.
The short answer is yes. Health care professional suggest washing it once per week and importantly let it drip dry which it sounds like you do already as it takes time to dry! This will prevent the build up of static which will cause the medication to stick to the device. It is also really important not to scrub the spacer as this will cause it not to be smooth on the inside!
Thanks Debbie 86 I forgot how to clean it.
Ah, so that's why, I vaguely assumed it was to do with possible germs on the drying towel. It took two days to get it dry because when I checked after one day I found water had got trapped around the mouth piece and it needed a good shake and another day of air drying.
Thank you.
I have one that my mouth piece pop's off with a twist. So I can clean both with steradent and then washed with warm water to dislodge any remaining trace's of the inhalers and just rinse off the steradent