I am a 73 year old lady who has had a bottom crown loosen which has made its way up and hitting the top teeth, I am now in a lot of pain. I have spent almost a week trying to get help only to be fobbed off by everyone I tried to contact! An NHS dental surgery near me refused me an emergency prescription because I am not on their books! My dental surgery is in Forest Gate, E7, and I live in Poplar E14 area hence my choosing a local dentist to no avail. I was then told contact a pharmacy they should be able to give you a prescription for antibiotics only to find no they can't do that. I phoned 111 and the woman on the other end spoke so fast like an express train, gave me no assistance or might have been a recording, to which the phone cut out! I phoned my own dentist in desperation for 5 hours, no response! I can't eat hardly anything, hard to sleep, and in awful pain. I have spent over 8 hours on the internet searching for nearby dentists only to find one is charging £245 for an emergency appointment! When I wanted food due to the lockdown and have serious breathing issues, to which I begged my doctor to give me an inhaler in case I needed it for emergency services, and he gave me an indigestion pill to which I burst into tears and walked out of his office. I have seen the horrendous side effects of this drug, I didn't need a pill? I needed something to help me to breathe as I now live on my own. I have had no help from no one! So despite all the advice on where to go, what to do! They all keep saying no! In desperation I phoned a company who told me exactly what I already knew to contact 111 USELESS! TO CONTACT A @ E FOR EMERGENCIES USELESS! One company charged me £5.00 they told me would be returned once I signed up only to find £38.00 was charged to me. I was almost in tears, and then they pestered me to phone them for me to pay for the call and then they charge £34.00 for a reply! For God sake isn't there anyone who can help!! I have given up on 111 and given up on the NHS who have caused me nothing but sheer hell over the years. I have treated myself for 14 years, but I desperately need something for the pain in my mouth! There is no way I will visit a hospital, they will have to drag me there unconscious!! Rosina Lock Poplar London

I would ring your Dr tomorrow for an appointment and insist on an inhaler, also if you’re in pain your dentist has a duty to give you something for your pain. Do you have a neighbour/ friend that could help you?
Hi Darcey, thanks for your advice it was greatly appreciated. I was told to contact any local dentist for a prescription for antibiotics because I knew I had an infection due to all the pain, luckily enough my face didn't swell up. The woman refused and told me they won't give a patient who isn't on their books a prescription! I thought how nasty of her and she slammed the phone down on me. As I replied above, my crown finally fell out this morning. It's sad that it is the bottom crown and right in the front. I found a strip of ibuprofen in the drawer and took two every 4 hours and I don't know if that took the pain away or because the tooth fell out, but all the pain has subsided! If you look above Darcey, there might be something you aren't aware of? In case you or any friend etc loses a crown or a filling or a tooth or has a tooth missing they would like to cover, look at my post above! Going to send off for one because when I went out the NHS Dentist is closed ordered by the Government, I don't blame them, I really didn't like the idea of going because one doesn't know if they have the coronavirus!! I've been in nearly all the time and only gone out once a week and make sure I stay clear of anyone walking towards me. Our neighbours all keep themselves to themselves and I wouldn't have bothered them. my son Paul lives 13 train stations from me and has a car, but he is in lockdown because he too suffers with asthma. What a life hey" Stay safe babe x Rosina x
This is the NHS dental emergency we page nhs.uk/common-health-questi...
It states that 111 should be able to direct you to a local NHS dentist in an emergency. Clearly they did not. As you also have breathing problems talk with your GP. Take the opportunity to also explain that 111 service didn't provide the information you needed to access an emergency NHS dentist local to you. The GP surgery may know what local arrangements are. It's not their remit but local knowledge may be being shared given the Covid-19 pandemic.
Good luck.
Hi Rosina, so sorry to hear you're having such a nightmare with this. I checked out the British Dental Association website and it appears you will indeed need to speak with your own dental practice directly. I appreciate you've already tried to do so, but recommend you try again at other points or through another means. A few ideas/possibilities...
1) Does your dental practice have a coronavirus statement or section on their website? Most companies are posting an update about how they will operate during these times and how you can best reach them. I'd check their main homepage, news or blog page, and contact page for such an update and advice.
2) Keep trying to call at different times of the day to see if you can hit a lucky time! These things are taking a lot longer at the mo, but hopefully you'll soon get there.
3) Most dental practices list an email address or contact form via their site. If you're set up on email send them a brief message requesting a call back. I'd advice something along these lines to ensure it's snappy enough that they can read it quickly...
Good afternoon,
I'm one of your registered patients and require emergency advice due to severe dental pain please. I've been trying to call yet appreciate you're very busy. Please could you return my call at your earliest convenience on (your telephone number).
Kind regards, full name.
4) If possible, ask a friend, family member or neighbour to assist you with any of the above.
5) If none of this works or you need more assistance, call your local MP or Citizens Advice Bureau for guidance. They may know of local support schemes operating in your area.
6) As Darceydoo says, please also call your GP for a telephone appointment and request an inhaler. Calmly explain that you are still been having breathing difficulties and require an inhaler.
Best of luck - hoping you get the necessary support ASAP!
What a nightmare ☹️ As a very short term mesure have you tried Orajel (I think that's how it's spelled) It's a pain numbing gel for dental pain. It's pretty good. You can get it from Boots and probably other pharmacies too. I hope you get the care you need soon though. Wishing you all the best.
Hi Hungry, yeah it was a nightmare. The crown fell out this morning! I tried so many things to try to save it but it was too loose. I actually went and i'm 73 well 74 next month, and I was saying to the guy in Lidls "got to save some money for my son Paul, because he's turning 50 this year" He stared at me and said "no way!" I said yup 74 next month. He just kept staring at me and he laughed and said "God I wish my mum looked like you. You look like a little rock chick" haha. I said "don't make me cos my crown fell out this morning!" He said "oh noooo"
Then he laughed and said "you picked the wrong time for it to fall out" I said "tell me about it" Awe it was very nice of you to try to help Hungry, I really appreciate it, but yes I tried everything! CoQ10 for months and that is supposed to be brilliant for teeth problems! Resveratrol, sea salt, bicarb of soda, you name it I tried it to no avail. It was very loose, but the pain has greatly subsided, I went out because there's a dentist round the corner who I never realised was NHS but the government has told almost all the dental surgeries to close due to the virus. I really didn't want to go anyway because you've got to sit in the chair and you don't know what patient sat there before you or even whether the dentist has it! So in a way it was a good thing. They got some good kits on Amazon! If anyone here loses a crown or a tooth etc or even a filling look on Amazon and type in something like "dental kit for a loose crown" Over 1400 bought the £14.99 one and over 1400 bought the £4.99 one and most of them are thrilled with the new tooth! Or teeth! Some of the packs you can make 20 new teeth! It's like a ball of soft gel that you place into the hole or the gap and shape it like a tooth, and it slowly whitens to match your others but a lot are putting the tooth once they've made it into a cup of coffee to tint it a little. Brilliant idea, it's for people like me that have had a crown fall out and maybe can't get to the dentists! I wonder what genius thought of that! My chemist never had any! So later going to order one from Amazon. It says you can even use the stuff again if you make it and it comes out not fitting by warming it up again. So thank you for your help Hungry it was very thoughtful of you. And if you ever lose a tooth or a crown you know where to take a look! Stocked up round Lidls queue was a mile long! But fully stocked for a few weeks, was glad to get back home. Good luck to all of you and you Hungry and please keep safe! Rosina x
Hi to Poo and G. Floss, I tried to reply to both of you separately, but the space isn't coming up so putting it here. My crown finally fell out this morning. Nope, you can't get any help from the dentists especially the NHS Dentists! Government has ordered them not to see any patient face to face, I can understand that, I didn't want to visit any of them for this reason, but no one was willing to give me a prescription so that I could pick it up from the chemist. It seems the dentist I was under doesn't have a website, and I also never wrote the name of the dental surgery down which is in Forest Gate E7, very far away from where in live in Poplar, E14 Lodon. However, the pain has all subsided, it didn't even bleed, it was very loose and just slipped out and although very sad because it is a front bottom crown, at least the pain has subsided. I have decided after checking for many hours last night on reviews of dentists there is one about 4 bus stops from me and have decided to register with them, as they have experts and have good reviews, however, I took my crown with me earlier today as there is a dentist round the corner that does private and NHS, however, they weren't answering the phone and they state if emergency phone 111 so I was back to square one again. As for my breathing problem? My son, Paul was put on a new inhaler and given a different drug and he has been perfect since being hospitalised with an acute asthma attack and he has informed me he does still have the repeat prescription and also has a spare one he found in a drawer in his computer room office at home, so he has two for me brand new, which is brilliant. He is in lockdown and not allowed to leave his house, and I wouldn't want him to, as I have seen him very bad at times but he is really stable which I am so pleased with, his wife can always fetch them down for me if I need them. As for the doctor at my surgery? I am leaving this health centre, because when I phoned up in 2016 and begged for an emergency appointment she told me I would have to wait four weeks! I could have died of a serious attack, so have decided to arrange to change doctors, as I did see one emergency doctor before I went to see mine as I got a 24 hour Sunday emergency appointment and he was brilliant! A lovely Indian doctor who did give me an inhaler but told me I needed the other one as well and to make an appointment, and of course he almost laughed as he sat in his chair didn't even examine me and gave me indigestion pills! I was disgusted and came out of his surgery in a flood of tears. My friend gave me an inhaler before Christmas to help me out because when I got to the cab office where she works, I had another attack and she told me to keep it, so I was saved again. I don't use it every day but only have about 20 puffs left in it, it's one of those round ones. But now I know Paul has two to give me i'm not as worried now, and of course I will try to get on the doctors books who was so nice to me. So thank you everyone, and look at my post that I wrote about "DENTAL REPIR KIT!!" One day you might be glad of it to help you temporarily" Also I don't know if any of you have heard of "EARTH CLINIC?" This is a wonderful site, look up any illness, put it in different ways like EARTH CLINC ASTHMA, EARTH CLINIC COPD, EARTH CLINIC BREATHLESSNESS ETC.ETC. The website will come straight up. This is a site where over 5,000 curs have occurred. People from all over the world are coming online there, refuse to take any more NHS Drugs that they know cause so many illnesses and there is never a cure. These people come online and they tell you what they tried, if it worked, if it didn't? Side effects etc. It's a brilliant site. Once you get on there you will spend hours and hours I promise you!"! And if you are bored at having to stay at home which I am never because I have so many hobbies, you can while away some hours! Good luck to everyone keep safe and once again thanks to G.Floss and Poo for your information. Rosina x
Hi Rosena.
Pleased to hear you are no longer in pain. I read your post earlier but didn’t reply as I was unable to help.
You do right to change your Drs. Do you think you will be able to register with the nice doctor who gave you an inhaler? It would be good if you could. He might give you a preventer inhaler as well. It is not a good idea to be relying on other people for your inhalers.
Also, please be a bit sceptical about sites that talk about cures. Asthma and COPD are not curable diseases, but with the right medication they can be managed. If they were curable, the nhs would provide the cure and save millions of pounds in inhaler and other treatment costs.
Hi Trollos, the doctor I saw lives about 3 bus stops down from me, and also near to the dentist that I would like to visit (not that much cos I have a severe phobia of dentists!) My crown came out perfect which tells me I believe the glue or cement the previous dentist stuck it in with, the cement or glue was leaching hence it came up and popped off lol. I understand what you mean when you say please be a bit sceptical about sites that talk about cures but I regret I don't trust the NHS one single bit, I have gone through sheer hell with the GP - three of them in fact. I last visited my gp in 2003 the day I lost my husband, Chris, I never returned again! I have many very serious grievences about the NHS and the horrific incidents that occurred with the NHS services, I also know there will never be cures for anything by them. If you look on their website they will state no cures for this, no cures for that, they disbelieve and don't believe you should use anything holistic saying there is no scientific evidence etc.etc.etc. The Pharmaceutical companies don't want cures! They earn billions a year just for cough syrups let alone anything else. Years ago, when I was a young child, doctors were doctors, they was caring, even came round and visited when you hadn't called them out. Not now! It's no use someone in a critical condition cannot get an appointment for 4 weeks? And you probably aren't aware that over 100 doctors have been murdered because they had cures, real medical doctors, cancer doctors etc. including a doctor his wife and even their little girl was murdered. If you have heard of Joseph Mercola, it's his wife, that has a website whereby she has put photographs of all the "murdered"doctors. I am also a medical researcher, and have spent many many hours online, researching cancer and anyone who cures someone? They simply don't want to know, it's all about money. I went 17 years and anytime anything was wrong with me, I tried my own medications - holitistic, and it kept me out of a doctors surgery for 17 years, but breathing is a different matter, but still researching. I'm actually a qualified homoeopathic practitioner with 13 letters after my name, but I never continued to pursue it because I am a writer of fiction and non fiction, found out I could make the most stunning crystal jewellery, etc.etc. so I have loads of hobbies, but I do research many hours. However, there are people who believe in the NHS etc, and that is their right, the problem is: these inhalers although they do save lives to an extent, there is often a time they will not work, because some contain steroids and they lose their effectiveness, of course it depends on theindividual, but yes I have researched a lot about asthma and breathing, and came across quite a lot of interesting material, and yes I have tried a few things, but either they didn't work or I didn't give them long enough to work? My latest fad is CBD Oil lol!! Some people have said it has improved their breathing? I bought it for panic and anxiety actually, but who knows! Actually a simple remedy of pickle gherkin vinegar saved my life one morning at 5am, had I not gone on Earth Clinic it could have been very serious! Let's just say "it put the fire out" when my son Paul thought I was having or had had a suspected heart attack it was a severe "chronic acid sreflex" which is also well known to cause asthma in many people? If one has asthma it could be caused by their chronic acid reflux. I also get silent acid reflux and to eat certain foods just cripples me up, as my food lodges in the upper chest. But yes, if anyone reading this suffers with chronic acid reflux and feels their chest is on fire! Go to your fridge and drink vinegar from gherkins or pickles no matter which , it will as I said "put the fire out" So just a simple remedy in your kitchen could save you from a lot of discomfort! Thank you once again sweetie for your help it was greatly apprciated. P.S. Round my way in Lodnon loads of people are clapping for the NHS? I clapped for the NHS retired people that are putting their lives online to help others! They definitely deserve a clap, but afraid in reality, I have no faith nor will I ever have in the NHS as it stands. I feel sorry for the staff because they are all doing a brilliant job and deserve to come out of this epidemic safe. My heart goes out to their families and relatives who are fully aware of the dangers these wonderful people that chose to become nurses and doctors, it must be awful for them. Take care all and keep safe. Rosina x