Anyone out there with Asthma who has survived COVID19? Would be interesting to hear how the asthma symptoms were affected and was any additional treatment required on top of routine asthma drugs?
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This is purely anecdotal as I can't prove it . Before Christmas I was quite ill with a flu like virus that I knew at the time was not flu . The symptoms I had exactly match those of corona virus with a very vigorous cough and temperature .
If this is what I had it means that the virus has been here undetected all winter , and would certainly explain why there are now unconnected cases appearing all over the country .
And I have survived !
A number of people that I’ve spoken to in recent days have said similar. Purely speculation but when looking at it from the facts, it does provide great insight and makes sense. I guess we’ll never really know but it is interesting to think about.
Glad you’re feeling better now!
COVID19 didn’t make it here until late January/early February so I doubt it was that. My asthma symptoms really exacerbated around this time (weird shortness of breath and a tonne of mucous) but I had no fever or illness. I too hoped I’d already had it but alas the symptoms were not consistent with descriptions in the media.
How do you know when the virus arrived ? Until it was identified and a test developed no one knew it existed . It may have been here years and everyone wondering why their flu shots had not worked !
Officially, reports of the virus emerging from illegal animal markets in Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019 which figures. The virus transmitted from animal (probably bat) to human, by the time it became apparent that human to human transmission was occurring it was too late.
SARS started in a similar way. SARS far more deadly but less infectious than COVID19
You are so trusting . The Chinese admitting to the virus in December means it was around well BEFORE then !
Maybe but it’s here and we’re going to have to ride it out for the next few months. Mass produced vaccine is a long way off so until there is herd immunity we need to be careful and isolate as much as possible particularly in these early stages of the pandemic
International scientists were invited BY the Chinese government and went to China when it was noticed this was a new virus. They tracked it down to a specific market. It is difficult enough to deal with this new virus. Lets not start dreaming up conspiracy theories.
December 2019 - China realised it had a new virus and within weeks went into lockdown.
Sadly, it had started to spread. And Europe now has it. Lets deal with it.
A positive of this is that China are realising how dangerous their live animal markets are with all the different animals squashed into tiny cages (inhumane anyway). This latest virus could well lead to a firm crack down on those markets in China.
Many respiratory viruses have overlapping symptoms though - and the same virus can produce different ones in different people. eg COVID-19 is not supposed to be associated with sore throat especially, but some people with confirmed cases have reported they have one and their throat is inflamed.
There are always a lot of circulating respiratory viruses in the winter (including other types of coronavirus) and they can sometimes seem different from previous experiences - but most people will never know what they had unless they end up in hospital where they swab.
I had cough, mild fevers on and off, fatigue and asthma flares in December which was very hard to get rid of - lingered to some extent for a month plus after the 'acute' stage. It was confirmed as RSV (respiratory syncytial virus, a type of orthopneumovirus) by the hospital (I was admitted for asthma with it), which in most people my age (30s) is indistinguishable from a cold. It usually affects babies and elderly people more.
Hopefully people with underlying health issues will start reporting more publicly on social media about having survived it and we’ll get a clearer picture.
Wanted to share this post on reddit of asthmatic who has the virus and has been answering questions x is reassuring!