New guidance has been issued about shielding and asthma. You can find it here.
New guidance Re Coronavirus - Asthma Community ...
New guidance Re Coronavirus

Thanks for posting. This is helpful, although the table of medicines may be difficult to interpret as the brands could be made clearer (most are in footnotes) for those not familiar with generic names.
Yeah I thought mine wasn’t on there until I scrolled down. I’m still not 100% sure about the advice as I’m on a MART regime so I have 600-700mcg sometimes 800 but it’s not divided into 2 doses, it’s more than that. Still my overall dosage is in the range and I have additional Montelukast. Will speak to my boss and my nurse when she calls later this week. I find it odd that they are recommending more than govt advised should shield.
Other people contributing have talked about the government keeps saying 'severe asthma', but what they actually mean is anyone who is not mild asthmatic (going from the list of meds on Asthma UK website).
For completely different reasons I ended up on the government website regarding this, the one where you can self register. I don’t need it, but it would mean you can call on their system of providing volunteers and such. I am now on Fostair 200/6 and Montelukast, and I am also 70, and I did not qualify for registration. (It was all in an effort to get on a store’s online deliveries.)
I take fostair and I’m completely confused. I think I have a little brain
Fostair is on there, the drug is called Beclometasone dipropionate/formoterol/fumarate diyhdrate it says 500-800mcg over two doses. I am not entirely sure if this applies to me either as I have 600-800mcg but over more than 2 doses as I am on a MART regime currently (trialling) and I have Montelukast 10mg. I initially thought it must just be about what the total dosage is, but I don't know. I hope this helps you though. It does apply to anyone on the 200/6 2x2 though because that is 800mcg. Hope that helps in some way!
Very helpful, thank you!
Morning , thanks for that information, I have just had my preventer meds changed as my asthma is unsettled . My Qvar 100 had been upped to 4 puffs 4 times daily but since I was still using my ventolin reliever daily my GP has changed my preventer to Fostair 100/6 2puffs 2 times a day .
Reading that list of inhalers and shielding advised I’m wondering if that correlates to the 400 micrograms a day or higher advice? I need to be certain as I work in the NHS and I am currently on unpaid leave as I can’t be frontline .
Many thanks and apologies if I’m not seeing the obvious !!
I think it might be best if you spoke to someone at your GP surgery. It looks like they have changed the dosage on their chart as it did say previously 500-800 mcg split between 2 doses and it now states 400mcg or more per day. I definitely fall into this category the way it has been written and going by this, so would you on your new dosage. It is so hard to work out what applies/doesn't but this is by far the clearest guidance provided. I would perhaps refer your Dr to Asthma UK and ask advice. Then perhaps email the information including a link to your line manager/HR. See what they say. Good luck, let me know how you get on!
It now says 500mcg over the day...the advice keeps changing so it might be worth checking regularly.
Hi this link is on my surgery's website. It has been updated daily.
The first bit explains you only get a letter in the 1.5 million if you come under all 3 points emphasis on steroid tablets and hospital admissions.
Following completing on my surgery website, an eConsult online message(like an email service middle man between you and surgery), my GP rang today and discussed situation she agreed the Asthma UK website and said based on my situation - Duoresp Spiriva, Ventolin and Monteleukast she advised I should be shielding.
I am a freelancer so don't need a letter but employees can apply to surgery through EConsult a letter from GP if GP states should be shielding
Hope that helps
So the guidance on Asthma UK has been changed again - all detail has now been removed and it simply says that GPs will contact those they consider to be at risk. I find it worrying that this has changed in this way - feels like they are being asked to hide this information. We wont actually know if we are being missed, especially with them being so very overworked right now. I'm going to go by the information that was there re medications at the last time this information was available. Odd times! I hope you're all well.