Any advice i struggle breath at nighttime every night even with pillow up i have asthma i went Colchester hospital cause of breathing and told them bought oxygen can help me breath and it was at night which when it worst and they sent letter to my GP saying i bought oxygen helped and would recommend give us some more help us at night with asthma when went in there pulse was 119 i meant be having 24hr monitor fitted soon does that test heart rate 2 im scared that when go asthma nurse 26th this month and she wont do nothing she will think dont need oxygen so please help as do need it for nighttime
Advice: Any advice i struggle breath at... - Asthma Community ...

Hi oxygen isn't given to you long term to help you breathe better but this can be a side effect. It is given to protect your other organs from damage if your sats (oxygen levels) are too low. If they regularly go to or below the mid 80's and stay there for a while you might need oxygen.
Another reason you could be finding it hard to breathe is if you get trapped air in your lungs. This is because you can't breathe deeply enough to get rid of it. In this case oxygen could be dangerous and would not be prescribed.
I hope you find some answers. x
How will i no if got trapped air in lungs and every now and then i feel like heart skipping beat if it is do i ring 111 see what they say ask for advice or not as it only every now and then makes me dizzy when it happens
When i taking my pumps i cant hold my breath long enough as get out of breath and meant hold breath for 10 seconds and cant as get out of breath to much but my asthma nurse dont listen im scared if got palpitations as i could go into carradic arrest if dont get treatment but i dont no what to say to 111 healthcall out of hours as every now and then heart feels like skipping beat not all time and i meant be having 24hr blood pressure monitor on me soon will it take heart rate as well
I don't know as these are medical questions. I am sure they will explain everything to you when they see you. x
Ok who do i see if i think i have trapped air in lungs which causes me not being able catch breath proper and for my palpitations will 111 service give me advice over phone when say about heart feel like skipping beat every now and then
Your doctor or nurse of course? Who do you think?
Not open today only clacton hospital and ok was only asking this site meant be polite
Well if you are really worried the only option has to be to go to the hospital. No one on here can diagnose you I'm afraid as we are not medical experts.
What this site for then
This site is for support and encouragement and to share our experiences. It is NOT for giving medical advice or being able to diagnose you over the net. The symptoms you state need medical advice and not the support of any forum. It is outside our remit.
There are no medics on here you know just fellow sufferers. I hope this is clearer now.
For your information this is in the community guidelines.
Professional Health Information
Information posted on HealthUnlocked can support, but will not replace the relationship between you and your doctor or any other healthcare professionals. Information from this site may inform your discussions as well as the exploration of treatment options with your healthcare professionals. You should always consult a healthcare professional if considering changing your medication or treatment.
Why do you need to hold your breath for 10 seconds to use an inhaler? Do you have a space chamber? With those there is no need to hold your breath that long. Perhaps ask your asthma nurse about it?
If you are frightened that you will go into cardiac arrest perhaps go to hospital?
Hey there, sorry you're so frightened and traumatized, may God give you His peace. Is there something in or around your bed and bedding that is making breathing so much more difficult? You'd be best to ditch your pillow and buy new with only natural fibres to avoid the microbes that build over the years in pillow. Make sure your bedding is able to be entirely washed ie don't use a duvet. Make sure there is ZERO dust or mold in your bedroom. Make sure it is well ventilated with continual fresh air. Remove any carpets or mats.
I hope you're feeling better soon and find relief of symptoms xx
I would recommend using a back rest and several pillows , so you sleep sitting up. I can’t lie down myself. I also use cpap , as they found I have sleep apnoea.
How did they find out u had sleep apnoea what was your symptoms what did u tell docs what test did they do thanks
Ditto to Abc64. I have asthma but I was waking during night short of breath or choking.
Many mornings wake up feeling unrefreshed sleep and headaches.
No problems going to sleep but frequent waking.
GP referred to Sleep Clinic at Newcastle Freeman hospital which is a regional service but happens to luckily be on my doorstep. Same Consultants/Dr's as in Respiratory dept.
They do some tests to check - you take equipment home and then return to them for analysis - a think that measures your oxygen and a machu be that measures stuff can't rr member what but it also has a recorder that records snoring and sounds you make during night.
Cpap machine is a god send but takes a while to get used to.. I know if I fall asleep without mask on as next morning wake with headache or feel rough.
Montelukast helps me to sleep at night. That is what it was prescribed for in my case.
I have short breath but my asthma nurse says only asthma nothing else wrong so I don't get one them machines
Why not ask to try montelukast. It's a single tablet taken in evening, helps repress asthma at night. I think it is prescribed to help with asthma brought on by allergies.
Its not your asthma nurse that decides this.
Your GP has to send you to a sleep service at a hospital. These are Regional i.e. Freeman Hospital in Newcastle covers most of North East.
If you have someone who lives with you do they tell you snore?
Do you wake up at night and go to the toilet a lot?
Do you wake up feeling like you are suffocating and need to sit up?
Oxygen levels can be normal when you sit and stand but decrease when lying down. Peak flow can be normal.
The Sleep Service will do similar respiratory tests as to asthma clinics but you will fill in a sleepiness survey and have equipment to take home and when they get the results they will tell you results if you have sleep apnoea you will be put on CPAP machine trial.
Try more pillows and leave your window open a little to let air circulate I have 5 pillows and always have window open a crack at night be wary of pollen though. If you struggle with inhalers try a nebulizer if your asthma poor this will help you chill and breathe at the same time. Oxygen is probably the last resort, there are many breathing techniques you may try and tapes to help you relax. Write a list about your feelings and anxieties and discuss with your gp or consultant next time you see them. Best wishes if I can help you any further get in touch😊
Where I get a nebulizer from can I buy 1 online as my asthma nurse won't give me nothing
Lots of practices will try to put you off having a nebuliser, as they prefer you to call for help if you’re bad enough to need one. I came to a compromise with mine. I bought the machine, as I have saline through it to loosen secretions, I also have some ventolin news, but only use them if I really have to.
Don't mean to be rude or disrespectful but your asthma nurse is there for you!! Go to your doctor and speak to them about your worries if you have seen your nurse lots I think a doctor is your best bet or change gps. You can buy a nebuliser online about £100 less vat but the nebules can only be given by prescription I think but if someone out there knows where you can get salbutamol 2.5mgs to buy I would be grateful if you could let me know too my dr rations them. Would you go to classes for pulmonary rehabilitation? Ask if they have them in your area I've been to a few and ok just do exercises that you can manage meet folk worse and better than yourself or ask for a occupational therapist referral they help with breathing exercises and techniques😊