So I am 40 and since having my second child in September I have had 3 exacerbations (also 1 bad one in pregnancy). I was sent to ambulatory care today as I am on day 10 taking 40mg pred a day, and still acutely ill.
I was on Fostair 200/6 and am now trialling Seretide 50/500 to see if it gives better control.
Asthma is noneosinophilic, not allergic, cough variant (GP writes 'barking with stridor'), with peak flow varying between 230 and 450 on any given day. It rarely goes to bacterial pneumonia, usually sticks at viral bronchitis.
Assuming I don't get better control with high-dose ICS + LABA, what are the options for me? Any suggestions as to how to understand what is wrong and fix it?
Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge.