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Humidity and air purifiers.

RD23 profile image
27 Replies

Anyone else totally done with this weather? It’s beautiful and all but my goodness does it play havoc with my asthma!

Ended up in A&E again yesterday thanks to this stupid humidity! Luckily this time I had paramedics who’d been to me before and know exactly how to treat me. They put me straight into a nebuliser, got me on the ambulance, gave me hydrocortisone IV and then we were off, blue lights and sirens to the hospital. The consultant who I saw at a different hospital who told a junior doctor that I know my condition better than anyone so they’re guided by me was also at the hospital, put me straight on another neb and gave me magnesium as he knows from experience that’s the only thing that fixes me when I’m that bad. It makes such a difference having people there who don’t question your condition.

On a happier note, we have invested in a Dyson air purifier and I have to say that it’s done wonders for my asthma and helped an awful lot. It has a night mode and now most mornings I wake up without a tight chest and I’m not bringing up half as much rubbish off my chest! My sinuses are also a lot clearer. They’re expensive but in my opinion, well worth the investment as I think without it I’d have been in and out of hospital these past few weeks.

Having you lovely people here to talk to about this all really does help so a great big thanks. 😊

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RD23 profile image
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27 Replies
Panda_girl profile image

Hi, I have same issues. Half the time I feel like I'm a bit crazy. I was diagnosed in 2016 after many Dr consults and hospital stays. So it's still new for me. Learning more all the time. My hubby purchase a Meaco Dehumidifier. Pricey but so worth it. Anyways I sleep better when it's on. Learning that I have to be disciplined. Magnesium? I have to look into for me too. Everyday is a learning day.

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to Panda_girl

If you ever need any advice, just ask, you’ve got us all here and I’m happy to help if I can.

Magnesium seems to be the only thing that sorts me out when I’m really bad but it knocks me about a bit and I can definitely feel the side effects.

Panda_girl profile image
Panda_girl in reply to RD23

Thank you. I joined this group 4 months ago. Just mostly reading everyone's trials and it has helped keep me sane. Unfortunately I'm from South Africa. Tried to find a group here but no luck. So most of the meds or med terms I'm not familiar with. I've gathered that names are different like I'm on Symbicord turbuhaler, singulair montelukast, avamys nasal spray and allecet/neoloridin, Uncle Google tells me that ingredients are same if not similar. I've really been in denial so I cant even tell you what nebs my hubby has me on. He eventually got sick and tired of the lack of care in the ER so he bought me my own. Also takes amazing care of me but we're still learning. I love the way this group supports each other. It's just really awesome

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to Panda_girl

This group is great for support. Are you under a specialist at all?

Panda_girl profile image
Panda_girl in reply to RD23

Yes I do see a pulmonologist.

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to Panda_girl

That’s great, I’m under a difficult asthma clinic, because as my dad pointed out, if I was going to have anything it would have to be difficult 😂, and they’ve been brilliant.

In the grand scheme of things my asthma is improving, albeit slowly, so stick with it, I know sometimes it can feel like the professionals aren’t really listening, but I’ve come across some that are worth their weight in gold and you have all of us, experts by experience!

Honestly, the support I’ve got from this group has been great and it’s good to talk to people who just get it ‘cause they’ve been there.

Let us know how you get on 😊

Lysistrata profile image
LysistrataAdministratorCommunity Ambassador

Sorry to hear you were in again but yay for getting people who understand! As a fellow atypical asthmatic I know how much that means and how rare it can be, but it does make so much difference. I love magic mag :D

I also feel I could do with a break from the weather - better than last week with an admission and recovery (kicked out before quite ready IMO) but still grumbling. Would be nice to enjoy the weather!

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to Lysistrata

It does make such a difference, especially as they knew my wheeze ( I always get stridor) and that my SATS are always 100% means you can totally put your faith in them and just zone out and focus on your breathing.

Magic mag 😂 it certainly is magic but it makes me go really hot and light headed and then makes me feel like I’m drunk!

Sorry to hear you’ve been suffering too, I’d suggest we all do a rain dance but I fear it would make me wheeze! 😂

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to Lysistrata

Been back in again 🙁 ended up in a&e again yesterday no magic mag this time, thankfully as it knocks me about. Sent me home with pred this time so hopefully that sorts it, ribs are so sore!

Lysistrata profile image
LysistrataAdministratorCommunity Ambassador in reply to RD23

Ugh sorry to hear you were back there :( hope the pred helps! I was really struggling yesterday with the weather too but just about got it under control with a lot of Ventolin (pred doesn't work so well for me a lot of the time). I think that rain dance would help if anyone is able! Mine are grumbling again today.

Hope they were good with you in A and E again. I totally agree it is easier when you don't have to worry about proving yourself! Sore ribs no fun either :(

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to Lysistrata

I’m up for having a go at a rain dance! They were brilliant, had a paramedic I’ve had before and she told me and my mum in the back of the ambulance that she’d come to me every day, not that I’d want her too 😂, because of how calm I am. Said she thought I was amazing for staying so calm which was nice to hear. Had a brilliant nurse in A&E too who definitely knew what he was doing.

Sorry to hear you’ve been struggling, where’s that thunder?!

Lysistrata profile image
LysistrataAdministratorCommunity Ambassador in reply to RD23

I'll pass on the thunder - pressure drops affect me too! But some less hot weather good. Glad you had a nice paramedic! I am very wary of them due to being a freak.

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to Lysistrata

😂 me too! Some are fab, some just panic with my stridor. Hope you get some relief soon.

Lysistrata profile image
LysistrataAdministratorCommunity Ambassador in reply to RD23

Thanks! Here they have a policy that ok sats and no wheeze = no no nebs. Often do get nebs anyway and some have been good but a lot have just not got it and I am honestly worried to call an ambulance (or 111 - same thing lol it seems) when struggling. Easier to make my own way to A and E (not on foot obviously lol).

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to Lysistrata

As the nurse said to me, ‘there’s no such thing as text book’ shame more people don’t have that attitude! I know what you mean about being reluctant to call an ambulance, a little more education is definitely needed.

Jessiepup profile image

I nebulizer magnesium, it's amazing. We bought a homedics aur purifier which really works

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to Jessiepup

I didn’t realise you could have it through a neb, I’ve only had it through a drip and it’s great at fixing me but I hate the side effects.

Jessiepup profile image
Jessiepup in reply to RD23

I nebulise mag sulphate,, there are a couple of bmj articles on it

Js706 profile image

Definitely hating the weather! I’ve been stuck on hdu for the last 10 days after what I thought would be a “quick” trip to a&e last wednesday!

And every time I start to improve it gets really hot and humid again and I relapse! 😓

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to Js706

Oh no! Hope you feel better soon. I keep hoping for a good downpour and a thunderstorm but it just doesn’t seem to happen. I keep getting the, ‘I can’t breathe in this so I can’t imagine what it must be like for you’ I know people only mean well.

Js706 profile image
Js706 in reply to RD23

We seem to just about be getting there now thanks! And thankfully I’ve only had one “dodgy” blood gas while I’ve been in and that improved enough to keep itu satisfied!

They’ve got me on 2 hourly nebs now for the next day or two to try and stop me flaring a bit which is making the old heart race but definitely helping the breathing!

Hope you get some relief soon too!

RD23 profile image

Ugh, the good old blood gas test! Glad to hear you’re getting there, hopefully they can get it under control soon.

Js706 profile image
Js706 in reply to RD23

Finally starting to reduce some of my meds! Think they said they would have a go even just to improve my mood if nothing else 😂

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to Js706

😂 that’s a good sign. Do you find the meds affect your moods? They make my anxiety worse and I’m miserable!

Lysistrata profile image
LysistrataAdministratorCommunity Ambassador in reply to RD23

Jumping in here...sorry to hear you're having a long rubbish admission Js706, hope not too much longer! Was going to ask if you're on hydro as that makes me depressed, weepyand vaguely like I want to hit everyone. With just a couple of IV doses!! Sorry to hear you're struggling with that too RD23 :(

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to Lysistrata

They always give me hydrocortisone and I go from hyper to crying when it wears off! The things we have to put up with, not to mention the side effects if they give it too fast! 😂

Js706 profile image
Js706 in reply to RD23

Generally I don’t get on too bad, but also I think that when I’m having the acute attacks I go a bit into survival mode and don’t feel anything really! Then I get a couple of days down the line and it all hits 😂

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