Hi. After getting a bout of the stomach flu I suddenly have moderate lung disease. Over the last few months I noticed air condition is my trigger while being in nature returns me almost to normal. Anyone else experience this? And if so, how do you deal with air condition as a trigger when it’s everywhere?
Air conditioning trigger: Hi. After... - Asthma Community ...
Air conditioning trigger

Hi, I live in Florida in the USA but I recently found mold in my AC ducting system. I replaced it all. I imagine they can be big culprits as they intake the air and are blowing the dust and mold particles out. I installed a UV light in my unit to help clean the system. Im hoping this helps, but I cant control all the AC everywhere i go obviously and Im thinking my work place may be a culprit also. Here in Florida we rely on AC year round for the most part. I have only been suffering horribly for 5 or 6 months even though Ive lived in Florida year round for 4 years. Im still trying to figure out why Ive recently acquired uncontrollable asthma.
I cleaned my air conditioner which didn’t have mold but there was a lot of dust. I’m still having trouble but been a little better. I’m thinking after several weeks the inhalers I’m using finally works. Were you exposed to mold? I suspect being exposed to mold infestations at my family’s home caused it. I live in a very humid area.
Not sure, I guess somewhat. I had some water damage area in my house that I had fixed. I guess its possible that started it. I was tested for allergies though and have a quite a few from Dust Mites to lots of tree pollens and grasses. I had an attack today sitting in a Tire Garage's waiting room while tires were being put on my car. I noticed the vents to the AC on ceiling of this place was black. I put my surgical mask on after that. Its embarrassing to do but a necessity.
CharloS I live in Florida too and I’ve just had my a/c unit serviced. I find I breath much better than before so maybe there is something in what you say.
Beefull8 I don’t know how you get around such a thing. You can only control a/c in your own surrounds It must be difficult when you want to shop.
Strange how some conditions react to certain situations. It’s good you know what triggers it I suppose just hope they come up with a cure soon