I am 26yrs old and have had asthma since I was very young. I have Been going to the gym for 4 years, mainly compound movements and general size/strength training. recently started to lose motivation and have noticed on the football pitch that my breathing trouble kicks in a lot quicker, I have never been able to run for a long period of time but recently it’s getting shorter. Does anyone have any tips on how I can try and increase my running time before my asthma kicks in? I am already taking 2-4 puffs 15 minutes before I play, warming up correctly and taking my routine inhaler morning/night. Any help would be great. Thanks
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Asthmatic looking to increase running time. Any ideas that have helped you?

I have the same issue. Any gym work sets me off, but running sets it off even quicker. I used to run 10ks a few years ago, can't run to the end of the street now 😞
As a keen runner/ cyclist I understand the frustration. It might be worth having a review of your inhalers. I was told that exercise induced asthma is often a sign of being poorly controlled (I would be interested to hear other people’s opinion on this though). You didn’t say what you are currently taking but a combination inhaler/ montelukas (excuse spelling) might be suitable.
Hope you get back to normal soon 😊
I am on DuoResp Spiromax which is a formoterol/budesonide inhaler. Morning and evening with ventolin when needed during the day. I can lift and lose my breathe and it’s fine. It’s when I turn to cardiovascular exercises such as running or cycling that it becomes a wheeze. Obviously I understand the reason being that it’s cardiovascular compared to strength training. Do you have any tips or advice on building it up? Or is it just dependant on the inhalers I’m taking?
Same here, controlled day to day until I start to run. I can have a great peak flow, a good year of no problems with my asthma, flu jab, an ‘average bill of health’ but as soon as I run, I can’t. I keep calm and try and concentrate on breathing properly to get the most amount of oxygen to my lungs but it doesn’t help. I really hope someone has advice etc.
Just a thought have you tried something like a couch to 5km? I found it useful last year getting back running, even though I was physically fit enough to run it was just a gentle ease back in. Meant my lungs had the chance to slowly build up strength for running, rather than just throwing them in the deep end and saying ‘work’ 😂
I don't know about farmerflex91, but literally a minute on the treadmill at 7/8km/h is enough to set me off.
Fair enough, obviously it’s your call as you know your body. I just found it useful to slowly ease into running (like a very extended warm up). By building up slowly it enabled me to gauge exactly what I could and couldnt manage. I was able to go further and faster than when in the gym.
I guess I'm just frustrated because I could run 10ks when I was far less fit lol. I now go to the gym and cant run for a bus. 😩 and my asthma generally is better day-to-day now than it was back then.
Sorry for hijacking your post Farmerflex91 😳
😟 that’s fair enough, it is thoroughly frustrating not being able to do things when you feel as if you should be fine. Does Ventolin help you after running?
Yeah ventolin after does help fortunately although I generally feel rubbish for good while after.
I think you would be best getting a review/ seeing your gp as if your struggling with exercise and at night (by the looks from your most recent post). It does sound like you could be better controlled. Hope you start to feel better soon! 🤞
Yeah, the night time thing is a recent addition, grrr.
At my last review I tried montelukast but that hasn't helped so I needed to go back to discuss other options anyway. I hope she has some other tricks up her sleeve 😂