Docs have said 6wks, wondering what other people's experience is please?
Recovering time after pneumonia & se... - Asthma Community ...
Recovering time after pneumonia & sepsis
Hi there, I am in my mid 40s, asthma usually under control, and reasonably fit. I picked up pneumonia last year and it to about 6 weeks to get back to feeling better.......however, it took me about 6months before I was back to full fitness. Just when I thought I was winning I was knocked back a bit. I did see the doctor about this and was told it was not unusual to take some months to get back fully. My advice....take your time, eat well and above all else rest well. Get well soon, R
Thanks for your message & I hope you are well now.
I am in my forties too & have brittle asthma due to tree, grass pollen & waiting for appointment at Heartlands nxt month for more allergy tests etc so felt sceptical about 6wk recovery!
I was doing pulmonary rehabilitation exercises at the gym to help me prior to being ill, I suppose all things like that can be put on hold for a while & started slowly again?
I did stop all exercise (gym) for a while as I simply couldn't manage it. Once I was over the worst of it I was back walking the dog every day, so was getting about 1hr gentle walk daily. It was a while before I could tackle the gym again - worth checking at your next docs appointment. Mine told me to just focus on getting better and everything else can wait!.I am back on full speed now and will be skiing next month! You can get over this, just don't rush it. Good luck. R