This is NOT medical advice but (rightly or wrongly) something 'I do' - to delay / avoid taking Oral Steroids when I get more wheezy (but before I get 'too' poorly) - is increase my 'Inhaled' Steroids for a week or so.
The thinking behind this is that the 'Inhaled' Steroids are delivered in much smaller dosage than Oral Steroids, and therefore are likely to have far less 'long-term' side-effects than (too often) reaching for Steroids in Pill Form ( 'or' increasing the Dosage of any Oral Steroid Course I might already be on). An additional benefit, is that - unlike Oral Steroids - 'Inhaled' Steroids are delivered direct to the airways (where symptoms are occurring).
While, I'm by no means sure that you GP / Consultant would support this short-term tactic for trying to prevent the need to take / increase use of Oral Steroids, you could (when next speaking to your Medical Adviser) ask their view on this.
For sure, the amount of Steroid that will impact me 'systemically' (where it can cause longer-term risks) if my 'Inhaled' Steroid Dose is temporarily increased a little, will be much less than if I took - even a 'meagre' 5mg - of Oral Steroid.
An 'Inhaled' Steroid Increase 'might just' ward off a worsening attack sufficiently for me to start improving, thereby sometimes avoiding the need to turn to (or increase) Oral Steroids.
If you're already on (or very close to) the 'maximum' dose of 'Inhaled' Steroid allowed, then the tactic I'm discussing 'might' not be appropriate. (I say, 'might' not, because it's, perhaps, debatable - even if 'already' on the 'maximum' inhaled steroid dose -whether increasing Dosage for the 'short' period I referenced above, would be 'particularly risky'. Plus, any 'additional risk' from increasing 'Inhaled' Steroids needs to be compared to the 'risk' incurred by increasing 'Oral' Steroid Use.
If you're using a Duel Inhaler (like me) to deliver 'Inhaled' Steroids, then because Duel Inhalers contain not just an Inhaled Steroid but also a 'second' drug - most typically a LABA (Long Acting Beta Agonist) similar to the Short Acting Beta Agonist (SABA) in Common Rescue Inhalers like Ventolin (though bit less potent and longer lasting) - it's necessary to take into account that, by doing 'what i do', you'd be increasing not only your Inhaled Steroid Dose, but also your LABA Dose. However, quite a number of Medics seem to be encouraging the 'increased use' of Duel Inhalers (which include LABAs) as an 'alternative' to using a Traditional Rescue Inhaler such as Ventolin (or before turning to Rescue Inhaler Use). The message this seems to deliver is that - if 'more poorly' than normal - it's OK to increase your Inhaled Steroid + LABA, by way of 'extra' use of your Duel Inhaler, at least for a while. (Also, I gather, the LABA helps facilitate better utilisation of the inhaled steroid).
If you're on a Triple Inhaler, things get more complicated, so (whatever Steroid Delivering Inhaler you use, Single, Duel or Triple) check with you Medical Adviser before adopting my tactic.
This was meant to be a brief Post, so apologies for the fact that it's rambled on for longer than intended.
Thanks in advance for any Comments / Thoughts (in case I don't manage to respond in some cases).