hi im new here my docs thinks i have asthma i had a test done and my lungs took to the inhaler the thing is im only on the blue one till Thursday to see if i need a preventer is this normal iv been told it is at first to see how you get on with the blue one i do suffer from health anixty aswell and panic attacks
asthma: hi im new here my docs thinks i... - Asthma Community ...
hi - yea it can be normal alright. I was put on the blue inhaler (salbutamol/Ventolin) for the first few weeks too to see how I got on. Since then my treatment has been stepped up but in general doctors try to keep you on the least amount of medication you need, so long as you are as near to symptom-free as possible. If you find your are struggling and are symptomatic on your blue inhaler it's worth telling your doctor that and then you could decide to try a higher level of treatment. For asthma there is what they call a "stepwise treatment approach". There are 6 levels. Step 1 is the blue inhaler. Step 2 is an preventer/ inhaled steroid (which reduced inflammation in the lungs). More drugs or higher doses are added as the steps increase.
Hope this makes sense! Good luck.
thank you