Hi, I’m new here. Can anyone help? Following a virus I’ve developed quite debilitating asthma. I’ve not had a voice at all for over a week now. Doc gave me steroids for five days and inhalers and said I should feel a lot better by today but I still can’t speak and feel quite breathless, and although I’m a lot better than I WAS I am still feeling quite poorly and very tired. Is this normal for asthma?
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I am new here

Hi I think we had similar things wrong with us I had chest infection that went straight to my lungs was put on steroids and antibiotics still was not better so went back to doctors was put back on steroids still not well I am also on blue and brown pumps every day I do also feel very tired but with the steroids I don’t seem to sleep well I wake up every hour I just need to get my self well
Thank you
Pleased to read your post as this is exactly how my Asthma started! I’ve been back to the doctor so many times, and it keeps improving but I’m not right yet - someone else on here told me it does take time to settle, even if you’re on the ‘right ‘ dose of medication. I’ve found a scarf over my mouth when outside warms the air and helps reduce impact of cold air, and I use diaphragm breathing to try and reduce the number of time I need my reliever inhaler each day. Hope you get sorted soon.
If you can't speak go straight back to doc, do not leave it.