I am just wondering if anyone's Steriod inhaler causes them to have a horse voice and leaves them struggling to speak at the end of the day? I am having to use the highest does of Flutiform inhaler 2 puffs twice a day in order to control my symptoms. I always gargle and drink plenty of water and clean my teeth after but I am still having problems! Any other idea of how I can prevent this? Your advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Flutiform : I am just wondering if... - Asthma Community ...
Definitely! It's such a nuisance and unpredictable isn't it. I found the more stressed I get the worse my voice gets but done all the things you have with little success. The last year or two it's been less of a problem as have had more steroidsand now of course, the mepo. Hope it improves for you.
Thank you for your reply Mintoes .

You could try using a spacer as well. However it may also be due to the way we just breathe as asthmatics, we dont project our voice from our stomach. I also think stressing and worrying about it definitely makes it worse. it sounds like you are doing all the things you can.
Yes. If my asthma is under control I only use inhaler once a day, when I need to go back to twice a day my voice gets hoarse and can barely speak by end of day. I do as suggested, - rinse out mouth and gargle after use. I usually then go and clean my teeth and rinse again but it doesn't help. Don't know what to advise, sorry.
O my goodness teasel90 . You have hit the nail on the head as they say lol! I think this is what is causing my hoarseness to. When I try to reduce the dose and then raise it up again to the 2 puffs twice a day this is when the problem arises. It's a really strange thing to happen isn't it. Thank you for your reply.
You are supposed to rinse your mouth out well after using oral steroid inhaler.
Yes, me too. So bad I have to give up my dance teaching, I was so hoarse! I'm very careful with rinsing etc but still get sore throats. ☹️
The same happens to me I have a hoarseness.
Do you use a spacer
Yes I am now using a spacer and make sure that I rinse, gargle and then clean my teeth.