I'm a severe brittle asthmatic/ copd, I'm having recurring chest infections, I have antibiotics and within a day or two it's bk can u get immune to antibiotics and is there anything else I can do or take, I'm waiting on an appointment to the Brompton but thought I'd ask here in the meantime. Thank you x
Chest infection : I'm a severe brittle... - Asthma Community ...
Chest infection

I have found over the last year with numerous infections (I'm a severe asthmatic too) that clarithromyocin works best for my infections. I find drs are keen to just give you the usual amoxicillin as it's cheap. I think it's about finding which one works best for you. Xx
Yes I agree all I get is amoxicillin, it just isn't working x
Hi Cooperhart
Sorry to hear you're having repeat chest infections. I asked our nurse team for advice, and Sonia, our nurse manager says it's common to get repeat chest infections in asthma and COPD if one, other or both aren't controlled very well.
If you feel you are not responding to antibiotics, then it may these are not the right ones for you. It can be that the infection in some people may become resistant to certain antibiotics.
It is important to get the right antibiotic and the best way to do this is usually to provide a sputum (or phlegm) specimen to the GP so that it can be sent off to the laboratory to decide the right antibiotic.
Hope this helps,

Thank you, trying to get an appointment with my consultant, hopefully he'll put me on the right ones.
Hi I think the only way to find the best ab for you is to take a sputum sample into your doctors so they can determine which bug it is and the relevant ab to use. Ask your doctor/nurse about this. x