Morning hope everyone well me not having good day sat on nebuliser breathing bad still on 40mg steroids should b in London rbt but no beds I feel like rubbish ache all over as well waiting for them to ring me with a new date sorry for the rant just not feeling well have good day x
Morning : Morning hope everyone well me... - Asthma Community ...

I am sorry. How unfortunate that at the time you need it, there's no bed at the hospital for you. I hope one's free soon. Take care.

Feeling your pain! Hope you feel better soon and you get the bed you're waiting for without too long a wait x
Oh you poor thing Tracey. I do hope you start to feel better soon. It's so frustrating that RBH doesn't have a bed for you. I hope they admit you soon.
Tracye, 🙏🙏 for a bed. What is weather doing there? Damp? Rain? If so, probably trigger for Breathing and Fibromyalgia aches ? Try to relax, will help both. Stress is Hugh factor in Fibromyalgia. Hang in there.
Dry cold been trying to rain but nothing yet here I'm in Wiltshire where r u to I suffer with fibromyalgia as well I ache from head to foot on my oral morph and my orthotics playing up in my hands thumbs all swollen x
Tracey you rant as much as you want hope you get sorted and feel better soonxx
Big hugs. Hope you get on okay at the doctors and do not have to be admitted. Good luck and let us know xxxx
Hi Tracey,
wishing you all the best,and hope you get a hospital bed very soon. Let us know how you got on at docs.
Today. 🙅🌹x