How to get help alleviate Asthma. And... - Asthma Community ...

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How to get help alleviate Asthma. And stop relying on inhalers.

Marko767 profile image
30 Replies


My name is Mark Sneddon, and I am 27. I was first told I had Asthma when i was five and much like everyone else here i assume you're not much different

I am writing this post to see if everyone is aware of the difference that cutting out dairy can make to your asthma, and would encourage everyone to watch the video I actually made on the subject, which also details other helpful tips, be it for yourself or you child etc.


Anytime I have went to the doctors for my asthma this information was never made available, mentioned or even hinted at which I think is INSANE. A year ago I was using inhalers like crazy, it affected my exercise and everything, but today I don't even have to use them anymore.

So if you'd lke to know more, make yourself a coffee-with soy milk ofcourse ;)-and give it a watch!


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Marko767 profile image
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30 Replies
Minushabens profile image

I have hardly ever touched milk as I can't really stand the stuff. And most of the time I don't bother much with dairy. I can easily go weeks where I barely touch it. I drink coffee black. Any suggestions why, at 52, I still have really crap asthma?

Marko767 profile image
Marko767 in reply to Minushabens

Well I think you might have said it, you just have really bad asthma. What I'm saying in the video is what worked well for me bud.

So it's either that or maybe it's something in your environment that's making it worse, be it your diet, something that's in your day to day life, dust, mould, you name it, it could be there.

One thing that was making mines a living hell was actually my previous girlfriends Cats which I was never told or confirmed to be allergic too to this day, but when they weren't an issue it got better.

Minushabens profile image
Minushabens in reply to Marko767

So what you are saying is that dairy product could be one amongst many things that can cause asthma & that if milk isn't a trigger then it's something else & cutting out dairy wouldn't make a ha'porth of difference.

And even in your case, cats (which I also have a horrendous allergy to), were as big, or bigger factor than dairy product. I'm aware of the fact that asthmatics have triggers, but (& perhaps you didn't intend this), but many people on here will feel automatically suspicious of someone whose first post is to tell us that we can stop relying on inhalers and, as per your video title, "get rid of asthma" thanks to whatever their particular hobby horse might be,

Marko767 profile image
Marko767 in reply to Minushabens

Well like I said in the video it isn't just one thing, and on top of that I never say once that milk or dairy as a whole was a trigger, but in my experience is just something that blocked my wairways a considerable bit. Once it was removed from my diet I noticed a big difference in terms of my airways being more open and a reduction in coughing.

Like I said in the video I don't want people to stop taking their inhalers if they need too, because as we both probably know that wouldd just be bloody insane. What I wanted people to know was that they could possibly stop relying on them with some changes but possibly not if the trigger is an unknown.

But what I'm saying is that once I changed my diet, held back on the inhalers a little bit, and started going and getting some air, my asthma went from from terrible to barely visible. Literally don't even carry an inhaler now which before jsut wouldn't have been an option.

Just in case I'm coming across as arguemntative i just want to say I'm not intending to be. I made the video purely to give people some tips that might improve their health and more accurately their breathing.

More specifically, which I mention briefly in the video, I was aiming to give parents a bit of advice that I wish mine had been given when I was young, as It would have been a great help and might have even prevented a couple of trips to the hospital.

I do apologise about the disconcerting view some of the people on here including yourself may have taken from the title of the video.

But as we both know asthma as a condition can't be cured and that what I meant was getting rid of the symtpons by making changes in the persons lifestyle, which itself mgiht not work but I ahve talked to a number of people that have found the same results.

Lastly, if not more of a PS ignore any spelling mistakes on this bloody thing as being from my generation spell checker is something I've come to rely on and just noticed that they don't use it on the forum.

Minushabens profile image
Minushabens in reply to Marko767

You are of course very welcome here, but we do get people from time to time telling us they have a cure & that we can ditch the inhalers. For many of us, that kind of suggestion borders on upsetting, so my top tip would be, get to know people first & share your experiences rather than telling them you have a cure. That will never go down well!

elanaoali profile image
elanaoali in reply to Marko767

I sure you had the best intention on trying to help people. I just think that you need to be a bit careful about how you say it. I agree with Minushabens that a softly softly approach is the best way to get your point across.

What I am about to say is not a criticism of you but because I am concerned about you so please take this as from someone who cares.

I am glad that taking dairy out of your diet has helped you. Don't drink carbonated drink I have another long term health condition which if I did I would be in pain.

We all have different triggers.

My triggers are dust, strong chemicals and perfumes. The cold and damp weather. Tree pollen and when pollution levels are high. I have hay fever too treated with an antihistamine. Also allergic to cats and dogs. I take monkelaust tablet which really helps my body not react some of the triggers e.g. like cats.

There are some triggers I can control but as you can some I can't. I try to stay fit by swimming and Pilates both good for asthma by helping breathe better.

Have stopped carrying Ventolin around with you? If you do I would be very concerned that if you had an asthma attack then you won't have anything to control the symptoms. Remember that 5 people die everyday from asthma and 3 of these people could still be alive if then had the right treatment. (asthma UK)

I am speaking from a person who has asthma and a first aider. I as a first aider would not like to come across a person having an asthma attack and they don't have their Ventolin. I am train to help people when they are having an asthma attack. It can happen to any of us. Whether our asthma is interment or persistent then we all are at risk. This is the gold standard on how people are treated for asthma

If you think you are fine now then I would go back to your GP and talk about this. Even people with intermittent asthma are advise to carry Ventolin around with them at all times. Every one should have an asthma plan

Every one should go and have an asthma review once a year.

Lastly if you have any questions then ring asthma uk helpline and talk to them 9am to 5pm on 0300 222 5800. The line is manned by asthma nurses who will try and answer any questions you may have.

jojokarak profile image

Hi mark, I think it's fantastic you are looking after your own health and have found something that has worked for yourself :-)

Why not let the world know they can or can't try what you have suggested they are adults on here.

I would if I was you still carry an inhaler as you yourself have mentioned it never can be cured, but I do believe we have the power to control (I carry perfume in my bag and spray in people's faces who use half a bottle on public transport) lol

Anyway long may it continue for you and ignore the negativity on here, they seem to be happier when they moaning instead of thinking out of the box!!

Minushabens profile image
Minushabens in reply to jojokarak

Negativity hmm? Well as the old saying goes, a pessimist is what an optimist calls a realist.

I don't know who your comment is aimed at but be assured if I'd been anything other than positive in my life, I'd probably have been buried at least half a century ago.

The point really is a simple one. If our friend had come here asking if people had experiences of cutting dairy, or what the link between it & asthma might be, we'd have had a good conversation. I would perhaps have said that I have noticed that too many eggs can cause mild flare-ups, for example. But not eating them sure hasn't cured my asthma.

But...and you only have to scroll up to see this...he used the phrases "how to get rid of asthma", "stop relying on inhalers" and suggesting it is "INSANE" that GPs don't give you this advice. Each of those breaches the rules of the forum, hence why I responded as I did. I could of course anonymously hit a report button, but hey...I'm actually an upfront & positive sort of person who deals with challenges as they arise :)

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to Minushabens

The point is simple everyone has struggles we deal with them in our own ways he was posting about how he feels he has managed his.

If anyone wants to try what has worked for him on themselves that is up to them as I stated earlier we are all adults and he isn't holding a gun to anyone's head.

I just find shooting the guy down is unnecessary and my comment wasn't aimed at anyone, but it seems you have taken it personally.

Minushabens profile image
Minushabens in reply to jojokarak

Incorrect again. In fact, I'd suggest the reverse might be true. I'm simply emphasising the rules of the forum.

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to Minushabens

Bloody rules he hasn't offended me, people can just scroll past its called having a choice!!

in reply to jojokarak

Jojokarak, the point being made by others is that comments such as "How to get rid of asthma" (which is what is emblazoned in white so it stands out) do imply that there is a 'magic bullet' which cures the condition.

Of course it's great that cutting out dairy has worked for Mark. He's not the first to make that recommendation on this forum, there have been others. But just because it has worked for him does not necessarily mean that it will work for everyone. And in fact, given that he is also saying "cut out fizzy drinks" and "limit fried food" (both of which would be very good suggestions for non asthmatics as well as asthmatics) the improvements he has experienced might not be just down to cutting out dairy, a healthier diet in general might also be a contributory factor.

The really worrying line is "don't use your inhaler unless you have to". Now granted, he does go on to say that he doesn't mean by that that you should stop using your inhaler, but that suggestion is still a dangerous thing to recommend. Why? Because it assumes that everyone knows their condition as well as he knows his, and so will know when it is safe to reduce the amount of medication they take. That is most certainly not always the case!!

I've had asthma for over fifty years. I like to think that I do know my condition very, very well indeed, and I suspect the doctors who have dealt with me on a regular a basis for the past twenty odd years would probably trust me to manage it. By just about every definition there is my asthma is very well controlled and I live a pretty normal life. But those doctors also know that if I think there is a problem I will go straight to them, because managing my asthma is a combination of my experience with my condition and their expertise on asthma in general. And it can spring surprises on me even now.

To Marko I would say this. It's great that you've found a way to bring your asthma to the point where you are effectively symptom free. However, do remember that asthma can come back and that allergies and triggers can change during the course of your life. My youngest son is now all but symptom free (not by going dairy free or by changing his diet, I might add). That said, he still has inhalers - just in case the unexpected happens.

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to

As I keep stating your all adults choose to scroll on!!

KaymMcK profile image
KaymMcK in reply to jojokarak

You spray perfume in people's faces?

That's assault.

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to KaymMcK

Omg it was a joke, because that's how I feel when someone who gets on public transport with too much perfume on makes me feel.

KaymMcK profile image
KaymMcK in reply to jojokarak

Well, aren't you funny and grown up.

What sort of response did you expect? That everyone would agree with your funny little joke?

If so, bless your heart.

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to KaymMcK

It's called sense of humour obviously your missing one so bless your miserable heart.

KaymMcK profile image
KaymMcK in reply to jojokarak

I'm perfectly happy, thank you for the blessing nonetheless.

Taking a cue from your superior comedic understanding, I was considering forcing car drivers to breathe exhaust fumes. That's my trigger after all...see how they like it.

So funny.

Oh, and it's you're.

Hey bud, good for you for sharing. Don't be dragged down by the negatives on here.... I'm the same as you, I stopped procrastinating and found a way out. Anyone who puts all their meds in a bowl of cereal with milk and eats them all at the same time, ain't never gonna get well... and has no right to neg you out. Ignore them and live your life :)

Minushabens profile image
Minushabens in reply to

I refer the honourable gentleman to my earlier post.

Zakaria profile image

Thank you.

More of this please!

I have an eleven year old boy who has had asthma since the age of 3. All the visits to the health professionals have discussed medication and nothing else.

On his last visit 2 weeks ago I asked about increasing his levels of Vitamin C and D and taking a teaspoon of turmeric each day as that is supposed to be a natural anti inflammatory. The Doctor said he had no idea.

Of course medication is extremely important but we need to have a more holistic approach. My son has now been poorly for 4 weeks and drugs is not the only answer.

WheezyAnne profile image
WheezyAnne in reply to Zakaria

Some suggestions/info from someone who has had Asthma all her life. Read up the information on the Asthma UK and Allergy UK websites. The following is a list of some common allergies or irritants to the lungs:

Cows Milk - Dairy products, PEANUTS, tree nuts, various E Numbers can be a problem. Sulphites.

Dust and Dust Mite.

Wool and wool oil (Lanolin)

Horses, cats, dogs, birds, feathers.

Grass pollen, tree pollen and mould, straw bales and dust., petrol or diesel fumes, smoke, smell of tarmac.

In the house - dust in the air, stuffy air, air too dry, or too humid, too hot, perfumes, aerosols, strong smelling products like Brasso, air fresheners, pollen and smells from flowers in the house. Bedding should not be made of or contain wool, feathers, duck down, and bed should be aired daily.

This is mostly from my experience, and others from attending Asthma Allergy Hospital Clinics over the years.

GPs can help, but are not experts, so we also need to help ourselves, and well done to us all for joining this group, from which I constantly learn.

I hope some of the info helps. Bear in mind that Asthma is different for everyone, which is why it can be so difficult to get under control, and allergies can come and go.

elanaoali profile image
elanaoali in reply to WheezyAnne

Thanks for that comprehensive list of allergies. My asthma was very mild for 10 years (adult onset asthma) and then without my knowledge started to get worse a few months before my first asthma attack 15 months ago. As I was uneducated I hadn't realized what was happening to me. This shows the changing nature of asthma. Mine started mild and now has become 'worse'.

After a very sharp learning curve starting with calling 999 for myself I am much better educated to know how to manage my asthma.

This is thanks to the support of my asthma nurse (20 years experience), my GPs, the asthma forum, asthma UK website, asthma UK helpline and my family.

Every ones experience of asthma is different and what works for some one may not work for another.

We are all here to help each other and that's the over all impression of this forum.

Lets all listen to each other with cutesy, politeness and well treat each other like the way we would want to be treated.

elanaoali profile image
elanaoali in reply to Zakaria

I am sorry to hear that you son is poorly. i am a mother myself and have three teenage girls. One with migraines which as you know can't be cured but can be treated effectively. Migraines have triggers too like being over tired and other food related things such as caffeine.

When my daughter wakes up at 4 am in the morning with a migraine and she is in so much pain you want to do anything to take it away.

GPs aren't experts like an asthma nurse can be. They only know what they been taught medically speaking. So that's probably why they have no idea.

Yes I agree medication is extremely important but a holistic approach is also necessary. As a mum you will try to help your son anyway you can. It must be really hard to watch him struggle. My heart goes out to you.

I hope and pray that he gets better soon and you find what works for him.

in reply to elanaoali

Actually, my GPs seem to be pretty good with asthma and and until last year I didn't have much to say that was good about the asthma nurse I usually ended up seeing. However she left; the new one seems to be so much better.

It does depend on the GP and the practice:-).

elanaoali profile image

I agree that you can have different experiences with care of your asthma by Gps and asthma nurses. My asthma nurse was pure gold, I said was as she left last month. I had built up a really good relationship with her and trusted her 100 %.

I hope and pray the new one who has come from the other two practices that have joined mine will be just as good. :-)

Zakaria profile image

Thank you to everyone for all your comments.

I only came across this site by chance a week ago in desperation at 2 o'clock in the morning after listening to my 11 year old coughing his guts up and sounding as if he was choking to death.

4 weeks on we are all shattered and thinking this can't go on I am now more determined than ever to be open minded and learn as much as possible.

I knew nothing about and have never been asked to complete an asthma care plan and when I asked for allergy tests the GP said it wasn't something they did.

He has had asthma reviews but this has always taken place when he's been well so it has been a quick in and out affair just taking his height, weight and a peak flow reading.

So I have now started a daily diary, noting triggers,I've asked for a peak flow meter to take daily readings, I'm taking a look at his diet, sleep/ rest patterns, I will make an appt with an asthma nurse to complete an asthma care plan, have his medicine reviewed etc..... and will try and get my son back in control of this awful condition.

in reply to Zakaria

Zakaria, if this is happening at night what's the situation in his bedroom? Is there something in there that could be triggering this? Is there any damp in there or mould anywhere which may have occurred due to condensation on the windows in the morning (mould is a known trigger for asthmatics)? Is there a radiator in there that comes on during the day or in the evening? Is there a carpet on the floor, and does he have a feather duvet or feather pillows? Do you have any dogs or cats that might be going in to that room? One other thought: does his bed have a head board? If so, check the back of it and the state of the wall it backs on to. Dust can get trapped between the two - I know this because it has happened to me. You might not think that dust could settle on a vertical surface of polished wood, or on a wall come to that - but it can.

Right asthma care plans. If your local surgery has an asthma nurse make an appointment with her/him (ideally make it a double appointment) and take your son in to discuss the situation and get an asthma plan sorted. An Asthma plan will give you an idea of what to look for and what to do if his asthma begins to play up. The asthma nurse might also have other suggestions to help you.

Hope you get things sorted out.

Zakaria profile image


Thank you for such a considerate response.

I've been right through your list and nothing applies. Wooden floors, allergen free bedding, dust free small wooden head board, animal fur is a known trigger so we don't have pets, radiators are switched off early evening, windows are opened each day etc....

It was suggested the build up of mucus sets him off at night when he is more horizontal so I have raised his mattress at his head end and I have stopped his bedtime glass of milk which I've been told is ' mucus forming.'

An appt has been made for next Wednesday for the asthma nurse. Hopefully things will begin to fall into place and I begin to feel more confident rather than useless which is a lot more reassuring for my son.

Thank you

mouse22 profile image


I'm a 22 year old girl and I've lived with Asthma all my life, I've also never had dairy either. I dont drink milk or have milk on or in anything, I can't stand cheese of any kind and just looking at yoghurt makes me feel ill. I don't drink fizzy drinks and have a well balanced diet, including the gym 3 times a week.

At this very moment in time I'm in bed with a chest infection, and needing to take my inhaylers regularly throughout the day, including antibiotics and steroids, which are common medications for asthma sufferes who become ill.

Trying to advise people to cut out inhaylers, espesscially parents with young children is extremely dangerous! Everybody has different triggers for there asthma, great that that works for you but don't try to encourage others, especially parents who may have a young child, who like us don't have the experience of living with it for 20 odd years.

If a parent watched your video and it could really misinforn them. You have no medical training and don't really have much right telling people 'how to cure asthma' as you put it.

Another thing, advising fresh air is possible one of the worst things for somebody having an asthma attack or suffering to breathe, as a change in climate or temperature can actually make it 10 times worse.

I have to take my sirdupla inhayler (white with purple label if people don't know) 4 times a day, everyday, the 25/250 measure, and with doing this it controls my asthma. I have my blue inhaler with me wherever I go! If I don't do this then my asthma will not be controlled and causing me to have an asthma attack, which I have been in hospital for 3/4 times in the last few years because I thought 'I feel ok, I don't need my inhayler'

Inhaylers are made for a reason! Medication is made for a reason!

If your reading this and your looking for advise on asthama or helping somebody with asthma GO TO A GP OR NURSE, DONT TAKE ADVISE FROM THE INTERNET!!

Not what you're looking for?

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