Hi, I have had asthma for years but I wondered do any of you get these symptoms with it. I have a constant irritation down middle chest and where ribs meet in that hollow. I coigh all the time to shift the mucus
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Irritation down middle chest, mucus cough

I am the same. I said to the doctor that it feels as though I have allergies but instead of them affecting my nose or eyes, they go straight to the bit of my bronchii between my boobs and I have to try and cough up mucous. A week or two ago, I was walking briskly with my husband and he commented that there can't be much wrong with me if I could walk like that. Very shortly afterwards we bumped into a friend who was wearing perfume. She said that she saw me gasp and start coughing straight away.
The doctor agreed that this could be possible and has given me some Montelukast. I have been taking it for four weeks and don't think there is any improvement yet but she did say to give it until the end of September.
I do wonder sometimes if white wine makes it worse. I didn't have any last night but am still coughing this morning so I'm not sure.
I have read that wine can make things worse because it has sulphites in it which are known to affect some people. They are on some dried fruits as well but fortunately they don't affect me as i love dried fruit on my porridge!
Thank you for your reply lakelover. I did raise the question of white wine with the GP (she specialises in respiratory problems) but she seemed to shrug it off. I had heard about sulphites but had forgotten that they are in dried fruit too. I chop up apricots etc. on my breakfast cereal.
Hi, yes I get this too. Feels really irratated down middle of chest between boobs and a bit sore as well. I constantly cough and clear my throat to shift the mucus. Cannot go anywhere near white wine, especially dry or sparkling. Immediately makes me start having a dry tight cough and brings my asthma on.
Hi Rose, I hadn't had any alcohol for a few days because I had been looking after grandchildren. Last night I was home and child free so I enjoyed a couple of glasses of lovely cold white wine! I am coughing and bringing up mucus this morning so I think I must be the same as you. Why is it that things we enjoy are bad for us - cake, chips, alcohol......?
It's good to be able to exchange views and help each other on here.