Wish I could sleep it's driving me mad as I'm so tired but with pain in both arms and my chest playing nice tunes I'm doing we'll hope everyone else having a goodnight sleep
Sleep: Wish I could sleep it's driving... - Asthma Community ...

Tracey, I'm up there right with you. I'm going to google 'fun trivia quizzes' and play till I conk out....yawn. So sorry about your pain. Even a sleeping pill didn't work for me.
Yes me too, wake up can't breath. Going try and read up new crap inhaler they've given me and goes to word a letter of complaint. Hope we get some more sleep soon. X
If you keep on like this ask your Doc to prescribe something short term. You need to rest. Hope you get some sleep soon.
Hi yea I mentioned it to him last week and he said he wants to wait abit waiting for blood results before he gives me anything hope u doing ok X
Thanks Tracey. I am doing fine thanks. Just really very busy. Had visitors for a week then went away with them, home for a week but have to go down to sort out my old cottage next week. Am hoping it is sold this time - have come close twice before this year so fingers crossed! Would not like to count up how many miles we have travelled over the last two weeks. The time is 3 days travelling so far! Just a bit tired to say the least. All I seem to do is washing and ironing and travelling. Shouldn't grumble, should be glad I am able to do it.
Oh sounds manic that b me soon living out of a suit case I'm off to London Rbh hospital again for my Iv hydrocortisone again fir 7-10 days go in on 24th this month I get a rest and lots needles that bit not looking forward to but b worth it think I need it , took some phenegan last night to help me sleep but feel washed out today but hopefully il sleep tonight chest been rubbish today so been very lazy and ache all over but got keep going on well glad to c ur doing ok take care X
I can sympathise with you there Tracey, my chest is also very bad at the moment and keeping me awake at night.
Do you sleep sitting up? Not as restful as lying down, but it can be done. I used to have four pillows behind me, two tucked in as arm rests and one underneath my knees. I had some anonymous stuff on my ipod - forest sounds or some other calming CD. Earphones mean you don't wake anyone up. Sitting up meant for me it was easier to breathe and the wheezing makes you tired anyway. I have a suspicion that some of the tablets they give you make you wakeful, even when you've cut out the caffeine.
Best of luck with the new pills.