Anyone used Theophylline to control CVA I just read about it. Was hoping someone might have had, Experience of using it with good results?
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This response may be of no use to you, but Just in case. Our daughter had it rwhen she was young, to control nighttime symptoms. It worked for some time, but I seem to remember that the specialist said that as children get older it stops working, and this was so for our daughter. So she was on it until she was, perhaps, ten or eleven or so. It was many years ago.
I was given this drug for my asthma. On the second day of taking it i woke up sleep with my heart racing . Think it was 135-145 beats aminute. Went to a and e they said itwas a side effect of thevdrug. However every person is different s and yr medical compliant is not asthma but cva. Talk to yr doctor or chemist. Hope it helps u.
I take theophylline and my asthma cough is much better i was prescribed it by my consultant as an add on treatment intake alot of other things to
I have been on Theophyllin for about the last 30 years as well all the other inhalers for Severe Asthma. If I forget to take it, I soon start to feel short of breath. Can I suggest reading wikipedia definition? It seems to have some useful info on its uses?
I've been on it for many many years everyday! But recently I have had a few problem's where my body doesn't absorb it! They don't find traces of it my blood tests! There are things in it that can affect some blood results. My advice is read the leaflet that it comes with and read the side affects. High pulse rates are a high side affect! You really really should read all leaflets that come with medication and then if your not happy speak to you GP or chest consultant. I question them alot more than ever before! I used to take medication with out hesitation, because I trusted my Consultant! But not anymore! Because I actually know more about my asthma than my Consultant! I've even changed my Consultant twice because they just don't understand my type of asthma as much as I do! Asthma UK have a help line and could help you also! They have people who could answer your questions for you.
I have had CVA since 1975. treated with all the usual inhalers. I went on theophylline about 5 years ago - it was fantastic at first but these days not so much. It is really important that the gp monitors the theophyllin levels in the blood - not enough and it is no good, too much and it is toxic (my gp did not bother for 3 years!!!)
I recently saw a respiratory consultant who said although I had asthma she thought my cough was due to a mismatch between the flap which controls whether food etc goes down my gullet or my windpipe. she said I had micro aspiration i.e. little bits of food or stomach acid or saliva go into my windpipe by mistake. Typical is cough when laughing, or speaking on the phone, or talking when eating, or when lying flat in bed. No cure of course!!!