I suffer from severe brittle asthma but as with a lot of brittles nothing makes sense , I also suffer from hyperventilation syndrome , anxiety , stress , dis functional breathing pattern, and my wheeze is quite often upper almost throat wheeze.
My sats usually hold abut van fluctuate but I very rarerlt retain PCO2 - I was told by the Brompton that my body has learnt a way to breathe which helps me to blow off any excessPCO2
So I cinstantly get disbelieved and judged and I have now began to have enough . Our hospital has got one lead chest Physio who is excellent but splits his time at so many venues . We had another female consultant who is outstanding but relocated with her husbands job .
We have had now has 2 locus and it's very hard to get continuity abd try to be understood and that you Ae aware of all the contribution factors a. . I am almost begging to doubt myself , , some times my wheeze is ther , sometimes not , there just seems no continuity yo. I had a plan which was on the alert sceme when I was admitted but sometimes it's ignited as is my plan devised with my Drs - because it's not on official paper .
Each time I am admitted and most admissions can last 5 weeks and I feel I deep heavy sigh around the unit - oh no not again .
My family,y are amazing and without them I would have given in years ago . To top it all I used to nurse and I like fed my job with a passion - something now that is a slap in thr face each time invcome I'm - I want to be doing that job !!
BUT THE DRS USE MY MEDICAL KNOWLEGE AGAINSY MR ME ADN CALL ME MANIPULATIVE TO GET THR TREATMEBY I WANT !!! Almost verging on munchausens - I'm getting desperate , I have no social life because if I did anything I have an wiped OT the day before and the day after ,
I know it seems all doom and gloom but it's caused me mu other health conditions and all I can pray abd be thank full I've hit induced type 2 diabetes ,
Am I alone , an I an ignighting - what else can I do
Feel so ioloted