Hello, I'm 45 and I've had cough variant asthma for a few years. Previously, I've only had symptoms triggered by a chest infection (not colds). Very recently, I've now got pollen as a trigger I've had very mild hay fever since my 30s, but it's never caused asthma symptoms. I was taking 200mcg clenil modulite twice a day, but my peak flow had dropped from 460 to 240 with the pollen trigger and it seemed the clenil wasn't doing enough, so I asked my GP for if it was time to try something else.
So I now have Relvar and took my 3rd dose today... but I'm worried about coughing with it. It's a common side effect (1 in 10) and my night time cough seems to have increased since I started taking it, and I now have sputum. Is this a coincidence... or possible infection, or could it be the Relvar... it seems very quick for side effects!
I don't want to give up on it too soon, but I need sleep... 6 bad nights in a row.
I don't know if it's relevant, I have previously had Symbicort, which worked fine for a couple of years and but then started to give me leg cramps and you guessed it - increased my cough.
The cough is far worse when lying down (even propped up on pillows. I've been up now for about 30 minutes and had some tea and toast and my cough has stopped. My peak flow reading is 420.
Relvar is pretty new... I can't find any other patient stories, just the official info, so I'd be very grateful for any stories that might help me decide whether to stick with it.