My 20 month old son has been diagnosed with possible mild asthma and we currently have an inhaler to use with a spacer morning and night. Sometimes he likes using it and sometimes not but my main question is, if he pulls his mouth away from the mask before taking the 4/5 breaths does the inhaler medicine stay in the spacer? So if I could get him to take another few breaths after he has pulled away - would he still be getting medicine into him? Or once the seal has broken with his face and the mask, does it all disappear and there is no point trying again with the same puff?
I find it almost impossible to know if he has breathed anything in or not. It has helped with his night time cough so he must be getting something into him but I am not sure he is getting as much as he has been prescribed. I don't want to keep puffing more in but it does mean that sometimes I think he hasn't had any of the inhaler at all.
I have so many questions but have been told to see the doctor again in 4 weeks. Would it be neurotic of me to try and make an appointment with an asthma nurse before then? My son only has 'possible' asthma but the fact that the inhaler has helped does make me think that he does have it. I just don't know whether I am doing the inhaler right at all.