Greetings I am new here, but not to asthma.
I have never used a spacer before and I am struggling with it.
To put a long story short, I have costocontritis which is basically infamation of my cartilidge between the ribs. So taking a quick deep breath in is painful...
Im on some naproxen for it which is helping and been given a spacer.
So far Im struggling with it.
Doing the 6 breaths is HARD, the spacer keeps whistling because Im breathing in too much as I feel like I am suffocating like there is not enough air in the thing, so then I start nose breathing on top with my nose...and blowing out too hard .. arrrghhh.
So tried with the mask...had thee same problem with the whistling noise coming from the spacer which tells your doing it wrong. Though at least if I nose breathe the medicine is still going in, but Im still exhaling hard which makes me inhale hard (like not enough air in the spacer) and there goes the whistling again.
I must be doing something wrong, but everything is put together correctly.
Any tips. Or I have to breathe shallow or something