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A really bad week

8 Replies

I posted on here last Friday that I was struggling and fed up - 4th exacerbation this year and feeling rubbish. I was struggling over the weekend and the pred didn't seem to be doing much so on Monday morning I decided I needed to see my GP as my pf was 190 (personal best 550). I phoned at 9am and was told that my GP was busy and that he would phone me back in the afternoon. I said that I needed a call back that morning but was told that I would have to wait until the afternoon. It was after 3pm when he phoned me back. I explained and he then proceeded to go through the ""asthma questions"" is it affecting your sleep(GRR) what about your exercise tolerance(more GRRR was struggling to walk from one room to another and by this time I was really upset) so he agreed to see me at 5.20 but was ""very busy"" and I might have to wait. I managed to calm down, but when he saw me and checked my pf (by this time it had gone up to 280) he told me that I was not that ill and didn't need to go to hospital etc. He said ""that's almost 300 and you must be getting better"" I pointed out that I might be, but it might also be because I had had my nebuliser with ventolin and atrovent!! I showed him my action plan from the hospital and the fact that it says I should be seeing him if my PF is between 180 and 275 and he just said that he thought it was over cautious and only really meant for people who were blase about their asthma!!

I didn't expect him to wave a magic wand and make me better, a little reassurance and some sign that he cared would have been nice. I got the feeling that he just wanted me to go away and be ill and not bother him. I am going to have to change my GP as I feel that I deserve a bit better than this.

I waited until today and phoned the surgery to speak to the practice manager. She is not available for me to go and see her for a few days,but is going to phone me back tomorrow.

Hopefully she will be able to sort this out for me as I don't want to have to see him again.

On a more positive note my PF is up to 300 this evening although I am still feeling a bit rubbish. I phoned the AUK asthma nurse this afternoon and she was really lovely - THANKS - and listened to me for ages.

Sorry for the rant!!

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8 Replies

Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time.

Also sorry that your GP doesn't understand the importance of kindness when someone is ill. Sometimes it is better medicine than drugs, is it not? I know it makes a big difference to me when my GP says a few kind words even if there is nothing he can really do (I'm unfortunately maxed out on medication right now).

Oh that's infuriating :( You must be very fed up struggling still anyway, but I definitely agree that that sort of attitude really doesn't help! HE is the one being unnecessarily blase - brittle asthma is not something you should really be 'overcautious' about I would have thought (and not nice to imply you are just being overanxious), so a change does seem like a good idea.

I'm glad the AUK nurses listened to you and were good though. They are lovely - I've had long talks with them before where I did want to know the answer to something, even if just 'what should I do now?' but it was also good to have someone just listen and take me seriously even if there wasn't much they could do, and it did turn into a long 'off-loading' call at times - I'm glad they're so patient!

I hope you feel better soon and get this sorted out with someone who listens properly.

Oh Val, that's rubbish. I have a similar best pf of 545 (a recent rise:)) and my GP's would certainly be taking me seriously if I said I'd had a morning pf of 190 and my pf in appointmwnt was 280 they'd be doing something about it to get it higher. After all 280 is not much over 50% and 190 is 35%ish!

I'm glad you're up to 300 this evening, but do go to A&E if it gets much worse. I hope you feel better soon and have some success with changing GP and making the complaint to you practice manager.

Thanks for the replies. I am definitely starting to pick up now, pf still only 290, but on the mend and ready for a ""discussion"" with the practice manager later today.

Hope it goes well - good for you for making a stink. - sometimes it needs to be done.


I spoke at length to the practice manager. She apologised and was very nice. She asked me if I wanted to make a formal complaint, but as this would involve ""getting his side of the story"" I said no as I didn't feel that it would achieve anything and sounded too much like a conflict situation. She agreed to change me and my younger asthmatic daughter to a different GP and is going to phone me back in a few days. Hopefully things will improve from now on!

Glad your second appointment went better and hope you feel better soon. Hugs for a fast recovery.

Rose xx

Thanks, my pf is continuing to improve albeit slowly (up to 360 last night 320 this morning), but for some reason am feeling dreadful today, feverish sweaty tired and emotional - not sure what that is all about!

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