Hi my little boy suffers from asthma recently it has been much better controlled,than previous years (he is just 9)
all of a sudden he started to get tonsillitis lasting week upon weeks at a time,whilst his asthma stayed in control,
then out of the blue, I picked him up from school in a right mess on Thursday, it was not his normal teacher and he was breathing rapidly and crouping,how does this soup of thing happen in schools, its a very small village school 84 children, they know his history, how can I get them to take more notice of what i say, Friday night we had a really bad night and had to neb him though out the night and following day, plus have since had another bad night Saturday, last night I nebbed him at 10.45 and this seamed to prevent an attack in the night but he had one early this am,
Dr has prescribed oral steroids, on waiting list for ent referral, taking antibiotics for throat,
i can not win with school keep him off as don't trust they know how to help him, or what are the sign,, they just say 'well he seamed fine running round at play time, I often pick him up from school and he makes a grunting noise when tight chested, I ask him did you take your puffer he replies no, I had my hand up but I am told to put it down, I gave him one to keep in his bag and he got told off for that.
he is very good at taking his purple puffer, thank goodness unlike his sister!
I feel like a real nagging mum that they think oh yeah course he suffers, but believe me come bedtime as soon as his head hits the pillow its cough cough cough often until he is sick.
I have been in touch with the school nurse and we have a action plan,should i call her do you think?
Its difficult as its such a small school , I look like a moany parent, but I just want him safe. Rant over