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Hi everyone!

I've been diagnosed as having Asthma for about 14 years now and in the beginning it was awful, I used to be up all night in the summer coughing and wheezing etc etc.

But then when I eventually went to see my GP he diagnosed Asthma and gave me all the relevant meds and peak flow equipment etc and all calmed down dramatically and I could actually sleep at night. And I would also get the yearly Flu vaccine.

This went on for about 7 or 8 years. As time went on my symptoms nearly disappeared and I even stopped taking my reliever places with me. And the other bad thing I did was also start smoking *cringes at the reaction*.

Well all was fine and only every now and then I would have a bit of tightness in my chest but a puff or two on my reliever and I was fine and dandy again for months at a time.

Not this time though :( I've had what appears to be flu or other similar respiratory tract infection that has left me with a VERY productive cough. You'll be glad to know I cut out the fags, just walking past someone who is smoking brings on a coughing bout (even if I am outside). Hopefully I'll be able to keep off them for good.

But anyway, back to what I was originally saying, since developing this cough I have had practically no sleep whatsoever because of the coughing at night. I'm trying everything to alleviate the symptoms enough just to get some shut eye so I can function at work but I'm at a loss. I've had the window open to help circulate air, I've had Vicks vapo rub, bathed in olbas oil and even overdosed on a bottle of mucus cough mixture but nothing is moving it.

I'm now at the point that I'm throwing up at night because of how much I am coughing, even though I have no appetite and haven't had for days. My lungs feel like they're going to jump out of my chest when I cough and my ribs hurt, and boy do I mean hurt. There seems to be no let up.

One thing that does provide temporary relief is a hot bath but obviously I have work etc and don't get paid if I'm off sick as I'm a temp. As soon as I'm out of the bath though and my body returns to sub-freezing temperatures (that's what it feels like all the time. I'm sat with two t-shirts, a thick hoodie and a duffel coat on right now and I ain't warm) the mucus starts to come back and so does the cough

I have a doctor's appointment but that's not until Monday and I am just at the end of my tether. My reliever seems to be running out of effectiveness too.

Anyone able to offer any sort of advice on what I can do to help relieve it whilst I wait to see my GP?

Sorry for the lengthy message and thank you for taking the time to read it

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25 Replies

wilko, do you have heating in your living room? could you sleep in your living room?

any cough will be worse when you leave a warm room and go to sleep in a cold room

I do hope you feel better soon

Does the coughing become worse when you're lying down? That's what happens to me, I build a sort of chair type thing which gradually slopes out of pillows, it prevents me from lying down but is still comfortable at the same time.

If you don't have heating you could get one of those small portable heaters for your room.

Also I find that having a machine which cleans the air in the room I am in helps, I add a few dozen drops of decongestant drops and it helps loads.

This is the one I have


Once the water is dirty you just change it, at the beginning I was shocked at the colour of the water, that isn't the case now :)

Hope you feel better soon

Hi Joan,

Thanks for getting back to me :). I do have heating in my room and it's not particularly cold. It's fresh shall we say, but I like it that way because I feel like I can breathe easier than when the window is closed, it becomes very close and stuffy as soon as I close my window.

As for temperature it doesn't matter where I am, say next to a nuclear explosion, I'm still cold. I guess that's down to my body fighting the infection.

I'm just out of the bath and the heat really helped expel some mucus, plus it's changed from a greeny / brown colour to an off white now. Although there was one or two tiny blood spots in the first batch, but I think that'll be down to the straining I've been doing recently

Hi Wilko

Sounds to me like you have a rip roaring chest infection, a high temperature and a dire need to see a doctor and get some antibiotics! I really wouldnt be waiting until monday, particularly if your reliever is getting less effective. All GP surgeries should offer emergency appointments on a daily basis, failing that an NHS walk in centre... Vaprorub, olbas oil and cough mixture can help alleviate symptoms, but will not make a jot of difference to an infection. You sound like you feel really lousy, please dont wait until Monday, a lot can happen between now and then..

Its not unusual to feel sick/vomit if you have a chest infection - unless you are spitting out all the stuff you cough up, its going into you stomach when you swallow.. tummies can take umbrage to that ;)

Get yourself seen, and I hope you are starting to feel better soon,


in reply to

Hi Wilko

Sounds to me like you have a rip roaring chest infection, a high temperature and a dire need to see a doctor and get some antibiotics! I really wouldnt be waiting until monday, particularly if your reliever is getting less effective. All GP surgeries should offer emergency appointments on a daily basis, failing that an NHS walk in centre... Vaprorub, olbas oil and cough mixture can help alleviate symptoms, but will not make a jot of difference to an infection. You sound like you feel really lousy, please dont wait until Monday, a lot can happen between now and then..

Its not unusual to feel sick/vomit if you have a chest infection - unless you are spitting out all the stuff you cough up, its going into you stomach when you swallow.. tummies can take umbrage to that ;)

Get yourself seen, and I hope you are starting to feel better soon,


I'm going to see if my GP can squeeze me in tomorrow. Failing that I'll use the out-of-hours GP service. My local walk-in centre is Nurse led and no doctors, am I right in my assumption that the Nurses will not be able to prescribe antibiotics or am I grossly under-estimate acting what some of our nurses can do?

Hi Faren!

Unfortunately it gets me whenever wherever it feels like it to be honest and doesn't prejudice against whether I'm lying down or not.

However the air cleaner sounds like a good idea because I have noticed it is worse when I am indoors. I'll definitely take a look at that!

I originally got mine to make the house smell nice lol, then I realized that is can be used for the decongestant drops that you put on a pillow, I've always found the smell too strong when they're that close to my face lol :)

it's changed from a greeny / brown colour to an off white now. ""

that`s good news :)

the nurse at my GP`s surgery can prescribe, I think some nurses can and some can`t

I too can`t stand stuffy air, or too hot or too cold

but my asthma is brought on by what is outside and not inside the house, it is worst in summer the worst months being July and August

Some good advice from nursefurby there but will just add your ribs will hurt from all the coughing and don't have a chance to heal properly. It may help to have a hot water bottle or heat pad on the worst areas. It is possible to pull muscles and even crack ribs in severe cases so definately mention that too.

To answer, can nurses prescribe? Yes they certainly can in certain circumstances in NHS walk-in centres e.g. trimethroprim for bladder infections. Also, some OOH services have independent nurse prescribers that can give a wide range of medication.

Guys thank you so much for your advice and obvious care. I will defo go to my local walk-in ASAP then!

Thanks again everyone!

Asthma-girl profile image

Hi Wilko,

I am so pleased that you have decided to seek medical help.

I do hope you start to feel better soon

Thanks Asthma girl.

I was so *down* about not being able to sleep, not eating properly, the constant pain and all the other things combined that I actually shed a few tears. That ain't like me at all, but it's finally all coming to a head now and I need to do something about it

Well the sputum colour change didn't last long, back to horrible greeny/brown colour :(

I hope you feel better soon Wilko, it's not nice to be coughing like that

Well, just waiting to be seen at the walk in centre. The nurse manning reception took my temperature, confirmed fever and my sats were 92%. Sats don't sound too bad but I do normally run at 98-99%

Asthma-girl profile image

Hi Wilko,

I hope the medical staff at the walk in centre has been able to help you.

Hope you start to improve soon.

Hi wilko, how did you get on at the walk in centre? Hope they are getting you sorted one way or another

Lynda :)

The nurse was fantastic. She listened to me and took me seriously (not that I'd expect her to because of professional standards, but more because as ill as I feel I still feel like a fraud)

Well she confirmed chest infection and prescribed me some Amoxicillin 500mg for 1 week. She had a listen to my chest and said there are crackles and wheezes all over, but certainly not the worst she's heard. She took my BP, sats and temp again.

She said to follow up with my GP on Monday as already planned. She thinks he'll want to have a chest x-ray and possibly give me steroids

Hopefully the amox will start working soon and you'll feel better. x

Well I've been to see my GP this morning and she has given me two more reliever inhalers, one preventer and a 5 day course of Pred. I've also got to go back when I'm better to get the flu jab

Hi wilko, I usually find that once the pred gets on top of the inflammation, things loosen up a bit and its much easier to cough up all that rubbish out of your lungs. Hopefully in two or three days you will be feeling much better :)


It's been a while since I updated anyone on here on my situation. Well I've been concentrating on trying to recouperate and it appears I've failed :(. The anti bios don't seem to have cleared the infection, although it isn't as bad as it was but it looks like I'll be making an app to speak with my GP ASAP as just getting upstairs is beginning to make me breathless :(

oh dear :( sorry to hear you are still feeling rough. Are you still coughing up greeny brown muck? I hope you are taking care of yourself and resting.. take it easy and get that GP appointment.

Fingers crossed things improve for you soon

Lynda :)

I'm bringing small amounts up, but the rest just stays and rattles around in my lungs and my reliever has become my best friend

Get that GP appoinment as soon as you can and carry on looking after yourself. Hope it improves soon. x

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