Hi all - only posted a few times so apologies if it goes wrong! Hope everyone is well!
I started Uni last week and 'freshers flu' has hit me - now have a really bad cold which has now resulted in my asthma playing up.
Went to the doctors today and have been told have bad chest infection and on Amoxcillin and Steroids for a week, however I've had so many courses of both of these I feel as though I have an immunity to them.
Today has by far been the worst (came home from Uni to see my own doctor who knows me!) and have found that 10 minutes after my Nebuliser I'm feeling as though I need another one as can barely breathe. Having nebulisers every 2 hours (doctor recommended) and still feeling awful.
Sory for the moan just fed up of having to miss Uni in my first few weeks! Anyone suffering at the moment and have any advice on how to breathe?! Also, when would you go to A&E? Might sound stupid but I just don't want to waste their time!
Thanks Ellie xx