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My asthma is ruining my life.

5 Replies

Hello. I'm Georgia, and I have been an asthma sufferer all my life. You'd think by now it'd all be sorted out, or under control, but these last few years have been madness for me. I can honestly say I have an asthma attack atleast once a week.

I practically live at the doctors or hospital. I've seen specialists, and apparently I've been on every medication possible. The only thing that seems to help is a high dosage of Prenosilone, but eventually I have to come onto a lower one. Even a lower dosage of Prenosilone doesn't help.

I seem to become immune to the medication I'm getting. For a little while it will work, but then it'll stop. It took me 3 nebulisers just to calm my asthma down at the hospital today.

Asthma is ruining my life because my work are constantly phoning the ambulance, which means I'm getting sent home on a regular basis. Meaning being told not to come in the next day (meaning not getting paid and so on). I can't go out with out worrying that my asthma is going to effect me. I can't have pets, and I love animals. They are ultimately my passion. I can't go near some types of paper, but I work as an artist? I can't go to the gym without needing huge ammounts of my ventolin, (if it decides to work of course). I can't finish my second year of college, as they're nailing down on attendance, and frankly, mine will never be high due to my asthma. I can NEVER have a full nights sleep. My nights are always full of constant waking to take my inhayler, and some times, I'll be up all night trying to fix it.

I feel like it's taking over everything I do. I can't control it, the doctors can't control it. It controls me.

I feel bad for all my family and friends and colleges who see me have my attacks. It seems to make them all very upset, normally I'm the only person not crying. It makes me feel guilty. I feel sorry for myself, yes, but I feel more sorry for those around me who have to deal with my suffering. I wish I could make the pain go away for them. I wish I could make them happier by not having asthma.

There's so much more I could say, but I'm getting rather upset now. So, if anybody has any idea of anything that could help... Please get in touch?

Thank you for reading.


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5 Replies

Hi Georgia,

Awww that's terrible! Must be so frustrating even apart from the horrible feel ing of having asthma!

Not sure I can help much practically but a couple of things that might get you somewhere...

When you say you've seen specialists, have you ever been referred to a specialist centre like the Royal Brompton or Heartlands? If you haven't I would ask for a referral ASAP as I think they have tests and treatments other doctors may not, and they should look into everything thoroughly to see if there's anything alongside the asthma that's making things worse and is treatable.

Also, I would give the asthma nurse advice line on here a call ASAP. Obviously they're not going to have a miracle solution, but they're good at practical advice as well and should be able to tell you what your options are re next steps, seeing someone else etc (even a change in hospital could help). They should also be able to help with practical things like work and college as while I don't know for sure I think your college at least should be trying to help you if your poor attendance is for medical reasons.

Really do hope things improve for you, wish I could help more!

Hello, thank you for the responce, it means so much to me.

I've been reffurred to see specalists in the Kettering area, as it's close by. I don't think I have ever heard of the Royal Brompton or Heartlands. Where abouts are they based, and how would I get a reffural?

I have an Underactive Thyroid along side my asthma, I'm not sure they're the best two to have at the same time! but I've been treated for that since I was about 5 years old.

I've been to see my asthma nurse very regularly, but nothing really can be done. I've not long had a CT scan done to check if everything is alright in my chest, I had a rough idication of my results today, but get the full results on the 28th of this month. They mentioned something that didn't seem too good, so I'm a little worried now!

My college aren't really bothered about it being a genuin medical reason, if you have one day off, they expect medical notes and all sorts, but it's just putting more stress on top of everything in the first place. Last year they didn't even think to call an ambulance when I was having an attack. I wish asthma had more awareness of it's serverity.

Thank you so much <3


sorry I can`t help you but I do feel for you, big hugs

as Philomela said, give the `asthma nurse advice line` on here a call ASAP.

I phoned the Asthma Nurse today, and we've got a few idea's of what to do next, I've just got to queery it with the Specialist on the 28th. I'm going to ask if I'd be elegible for the Omalizumbu injections, to see if that might help.

I really hope this works. I'm begining to lose hope of controlling my asthma.

Hi Georgia,

Glad the nurses were helpful - hope that helps with your next appt. Did they mention anything about specialist centres? The Royal Brompton is in London and Heartlands is in Birmingham; they aren't the only 'difficult asthma centres' but I think would probably be your closest if you want a referral.

I think if when you discuss things with your current consultants they feel there's not much they can do, then it's reasonable to say you want a referral to a specialist centre - your GP can refer but you'd need the consultants to send letters, test results etc and it's easier if they can work with the specialist ppl though not essential. Crossed fingers re the CT scan - it might at least mean that they know a bit more, and imagine if it were something really awful they wouldn't be waiting till 28th to discuss it.

Re the underactive thyroid - I also have had this since birth but it's very well controlled and as far as I can tell doesn't interfere with my asthma. But obviously I'm not an expert, and if it's not treated properly then it will be making you feel worse so if you think there's room for improvement there then it's worth maybe seeing your GP (could ask for a blood test to see how TSH levels etc are doing - you might be surprised!)

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