Hi everyone,
I am glad to have found this forum.
I have never suffered asthma in my life until 2 months ago when I experienced my first asthma attack. Terrifying when you don't know what's happening to you.
My work has taken me to Cairo, Egypt in March this year. The pollution in the city is extreme to say the least and I started to feel breathless about a month into my arrival in the country. 3 month later, I was on my way to the airport to fly back to London to see my doctor when I collapsed at the airport due to a severe asthma attack.
I eventually flew home and have since been diagnosed with asthma brought on by air pollutants. It took about 7 weeks to bring my symptoms under control. I have good days and bad days and went through the whole cycle of discovering how to live with asthma.
I feel better than I did 2 months ago but a part of me is still terrified of going through this again. I am due back to Cairo to resume my work and my doctor thinks I can try to return and see how things go.
I love my job but I am also scared to return to such a polluted environment and for my asthma to deteriorate again. If I don't go back though, this means giving up my career....
I am really lost and don't know what to do. My mother is asthmatic and thinks it is insane to return to the place that triggered it all...my partner thinks that health comes first. I do agree but wonder if this is not a bit of an over-reaction? Then on the bad days, when my breathing is difficult I think that maybe they are right.
Some opinions would be so helpful...I am due to book my flight back to Egypt this week end...