hurting!: Went running this morning... - Asthma Community ...

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Went running this morning, and done nothing but cough since and now my lungs hurt so much. whats all that about a quick blast of my inhaler usually does the trick but no not today.

Any one else suffering?

Smithy x

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9 Replies

Hi Smithy,

I am the same as you. I went for a run this morning, lungs rebelled a little bit but nothing major ;) and then ever since having shower etc I have coughed a lot and been wheezy all day with no apparent help from inhaler. I now feel like someones tied a belt around my chest and am quite uncomfortable!

Maybe its just a bad day! its quite muggy and overcast so that might be whats doing it? I dont know... keep trying the inhaler and have a little rest. feeling better now I am lazy again :)

Hope you feel better soon

Tash xx

Think its down to the muggy day. Non-asthmatic friends have headaches today and feel tired. Best wishes you feel better soon. xx

Just got back from a run, not good. The weather, very heavy/muggy feeling with it, looked like it was going to rain, but nothing, just wish it would thunder and rain like hell.

natasha, I always feel worse after having a shower, wonder if it's the water droplets we breath in or the steam, or something else water related. I always thought I imagined it, but now I know I don't, must try and find an answer.


They work like nebuilsers but without the solution (the steam - sometimes can work to your advantage but not always), they open your air ways but unfortualey do not relax them as there is no medication in them.

Your lungs will hurt because you are straining them when you cough. Try taking deep breaths.

At the moment my asthma is also playing up, not slept in four nights, think it is the weather as i cannot work out any other triggers.

Natasa - bit worried by what you put if your reliever is not working you should seek medical attention immediately! This is always very important!


Listening to the radio just now, and an item made me listen, new research has suggested that showers don't help people with lung conditions or can even cause them, so could explain why I feel worse after the shower.

hope you feel some relief soon.when I get inflamed lungs I up my preventer.I also have a icecream form the shop over the road.I feel it helps me abit xxx

Could it be dehydration - I find that if I forget to drink water / replace the liquid that my lungs play up

I find a warm shower is wonderful for my lungs, hot showers are terrible for them. i also like to spray water round the room particularly in hot clammy stuffy environments.

I think this week had been pretty bad for asthmatics. I was in hosp. recently and they said that they had had loads of children in suffering from asthma.

I also find that showers can make it really hard to breathe. However, it doesn't happen always and I agree with Cathy - hot showers tend to be worse.

R xxx

Cathy, do you mean dehydration due to the running and/or swimming? Once upon a time I would agree, but for the last couple of years, have always had 500ml bottle of sports drink before the run, then run with a 1/4ltr runners bottle, then another drink when get home, so should be fine, and also take the 500ml bottle to the pool and drink the whole bottle while in the pool, people forget you dehydrate in water.

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