am struggling with new inhaler how do you actually know if you are doing it right at least with MDI inhalers you just press and inhale but with symbicort just not sure. thin k at mo prefer seritide and flixotide but if there is a chance this will work better will stick at iot just rather strange.
symbicort: am struggling with new... - Asthma Community ...
Did you get shown how to use the symbicort? One of the main things to remember is when you are twisting the bottom to get the dose make sure it isn't held at an angle but straight up. Apparently this can affect the dose that you get if you don't.
The other things are to make sure that you have your mouth tightly round the mouth piece and you are sucking as hard as you can.
I think it is much easier to be shown than someone telling you so if you are unsure could you get an appointment with your asthma nurse so they could check your technique?
I found it takes a while for the longer term effect of symbicort to kick in (a week or so). So stick with it.

thank you I have been using symbicort for a while never realised yu should hold it this way thanku
There's an interactive demo on this site - go to the menu ""all about asthma"" and check unde medications (I think).
thanks did see asthma nurse in clinic on mon pm and had a go just still unsure cause so diff think. will have look for that demo cathbear.ta
one thing i was told, which i used to do wrong was don't inhale as hard as u can! Otherwise most of the powder will hit the back of your throat and not actually get into your lungs. Inhale deeply and continuously but not hard and fast!
As we all know everyone is different but if u can stick with symbicort as i sing its praises. I tried it years ago with little success but now find it works.
Good luck!
hi kath,
twist and suck lol
hope it works for you and you get some relief from it.
i find its easier than a Ventolin to use,good luck
mel xxxxxxxxxxx
how long does it take for symbycort to kick does anyone know started it wed on 200/6 using 4 puffs 2 x day and at mo think pf is actually lower in am than was b4 if thats possible. could be coincidence or weather suppose but starting to need more ventolin at night as well to settle cest ie 8 puffs rather than 4 or maybe still coping with after effects of a &e attendance on Mon pm. have even dramically reduced work load visits this week as well to see if helps but can't say it has really.
Last year when I was having problems, I found it helpful to take a dose of my reliever before taking the symbicort. I think it was someone on here that mentioned the reliever helps open up the airways so the symbicort has a better chance of getting into the lungs, I certainly found this to be the case and it helped a lot and I too sing the praises of symbicort, it's like a wonder drug :oD
thanks i already do but spoke to asthma nurse today again and to up symbicort by another 4 puffs so get 4 puffs in middle of day as well
Have they thought maybe of putting you on to the higher strength version? It's 400/12 and i found going up to that last year was a huge help. Thinking of doing it again cus of all the pollen that is lurking around at the moment.