I wrote my first message a few weeks ago regarding my asthma. I returned to the doctors, was put on another course of anti biotics ( my fourth lot ) and i am still on the steroid regime, finishing this thursday, I have needed the last two weeks off, as i was not improving, and, becoming increasingly Breathless and wheezy !! I needed to rest and recuperate!!
For the first time today i feel alot better, my peak flow is almost back to normal , but, i still find myself quite breathless whenever i do anything, particularly walking, and find my self perspiring when i do household chores, whereas yesterday, i could hardly breath when i walked two hundred yards. I am hoping that i continue to improve!!!
My Dilemma... I have two jobs, and one is working with moving and handling equipment, giving care in the community. Do i stay off a bit longer to ensure i am fit for purpose, or, go to work and hope i continue to improve anyway.
What would you peeps do?
Thanks in anticipation !!