I was put on 10mg of prednisolone 10 weeks ago by my asthma specialist. for the first 3 weeks things were ok that i had a flare up my doctor told me to go up to 40mg a day for 5 days then taper down 30mg for 2 days then 20mg for 2 days then back to 10mg, i did that and after a week i decided to stop because my condition wasn't any better. 2 weeks on i started getting dizzy spells and really bad anxiety and panic attacks. so i called the doctor who said to go back on the steroids as it could be caused by cortisol and my adrenal grands, which i have done and it hasn't really helped. this morning my blood sugar dropped, i felt all hot, weak and tired and extremely hungry. i had some food and a sweet and immediately felt better. i have decided to come off the prednisolone. what should i do and whats the best way to come off them?
thank in advance