I've just started getting asthma, at 48, and I'm still trying to learn how I will need to manage it. I've learned a lot from reading here, but one thing I've seen is how different individuals are.
So far my asthma hasn't been bad - my PEF has been 500-550 (I'm female and 5' 2"") and doesn't seem to vary between the days I feel bad and the days I feel good. I started seeing the GP in June and was given Salbutamol, which helped a bit, but I was still getting some symptoms most of the time, so added inhaled steroid. Then increased the dose of both, then last week added LABA. My GPs have been very good, have never made me feel I shouldn't be there, and even though I have good peak flow and no wheezing, have never suggested there's nothing wrong.
Compared with the difficulties some of you face, I feel as if I'm fussing about nothing, but my GP says that the aim is to have no symptoms, and so far that doesn't seem to be happening. I feel shaky and have a sore throat and croaky voice from the inhalers, and still my chest feels cold when I breathe in, the coughing hasn't quite gone away and it always seems to get worse when I lie down to go to sleep. The GP told me to see the asthma nurse from now on (unless there's a problem), and the next available appointment is in six weeks.
Can anybody give me a bit of idea how long it might typically take to find a drug regime that works, and if it's realistic to expect to have no symptoms most of the time?