Current cold two days before Xmas giving twinges in right lung area. Taken Benylin all-in-one. Twinges in right lung area. Just on here for a bit of sympathy.
Cold: Current cold two days before Xmas... - Asthma Community ...
You have my sympathy Grannymo! I broke for the holidays 8 days ago and on the day i finished work, I became ill with a virus. Maxed out on benylin 'chesty cough', paracetamol and ibuprofen since then and still unwell. It's affecting my asthma but, no sign of a chest infection thank goodness!! Good old benylin!!! Keep warm and take care,
Jac xx
Wrap up warm and get well soon! xx
Hoe you feel better soon nanna and have a great xmas with your family and lovely grandchildren xxx
Miserable isnt it. Sympathy duly sent.
Just praying my chest holds out through the festive season....not sounding great.
Stay warm & well.
How rotten!! Hope you manage to feel better for the festivities xx
Is Benylin safe to take when you have asthma? I'm not sure what I can take for my cold and any help would be appreciated. I use a preventer and a reliever.
Sorry to hear you're not well, that's rotten. It happens all the time to us so I know how u feel! Keep warm and have a nice time with the family. xxx
i'm sending you complete sympathy hugs.
tesco about killed me off yesterday. came home with earache, congestion and the knowledge i'm gonna feel rough for at least a week. sorry didn't mean to moan in your thread!
Geina xx
Thanks for hugs and sympathy. Just read back my last post. What a grumbly one. Yes the cold has effectively blocked nose so can only breathe through mouth but heyho still saw loved ones over Christmas - all with their own version of the cold so no hugs and kisses between us! Daughter's house is big enough that we weren't sitting cheek by jowl. Hope you all had a happy time despite the viruses and damp weather going around. I've brightened up enough to make a trek to the shops as run out of tissues and Lidls loo paper is no substitution for lovely soft Trend tissues.
Best wishes to all laden with colds,
GrannyMo x
I shouldn't laugh at the loo roll comment grannymo but i am! i sooo know what you mean! glad you're starting to feel better!
Geina xx
I resorted to Benylin too this time but it was hopeless. Had prednisolone 40mgs for 5 days so far, nebulisers have had to be dragged out, doubled all my inhalers and fainally threw in the towel today and dragged myself to docs who gave me horse antibiotics as lungs crackly. What a great christmas...again. And my husband says HE feels ill. Overindulgence I feel.
Hope you had a decent Christmas & a Happy New Year to everyone on here. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Aw that's a shame. I finally got to doc's yesterday when practice re-opened after Xmas. Almost summarily dismissed by doc as I said have one of those colds going around and he took two soundings of my back and said there's nothing going on there. You're fine.
I said it always sounds fine. I NEVER wheeze. I cough. I've ALWAYS coughed. That's why took so blooming long for asthma to be found.
Ok give you something for it. Are you allergic to anything? Pseudoephedrine. Ok, amoxicillin tablets it is. I presume the poor chap had dispensed much the same to everyone that day as waiting room full of coughers and wheezers so did feel a bit sorry for him.
Added that sometimes so bunged up couldn't get a breath in or out. Quite worrying...
That's just the catarrh, he said. But I cant get breath enough for inhaler properly for um..about a week. The AeroChamber just squeaks at me...
Result five days of 40mg worth of titchy non-coated pred.