Hi just wondered if anyone else experienced sharp pain in lung area when trying to breath during an attack. Had a very bad experience yesterday, felt at times I was breathing through a straw and the pain was sharp and jaggered, it was like I was breathing over broken glass. It was so painful. Ended up clearing it with steroid tablets. I’ve experienced this a little bit before, but nothing like yesterday.
Pain during an asthma attack - Asthma Community ...
Pain during an asthma attack
Hi I have always had some type of pain during an asthma attack normally it's just where the airways are getting tight ( and unknown to me I always put my hand up to my chest but not by my heart and people who know me can say right off just by this action I'm having a asthma attack ) but I have had the sharp broken glass feeling you mentioned and I was a child so I said to my mum something was wrong it's not the normal asthma pain and could she let the doctor know. Thanks to being able to tell asthma attack pains I was also able to tell when I was in trouble a few years ago because of getting a funny feeling in my chest of wavy lines going over my heart what that turned out to be was a blood clot right next to my heart and I caught it very early because it didn't feel right for a asthma or possible heart problem so I reported it.
If you can try to remember the feelings you get with your asthma attacks as they might help you out one day like thay did with me I knew waves was not a normal thing definitely not a asthma pain and never heard of it for a heart issue and thanks to not knowing I found out I was in trouble.
Hope this helps you out and good luck
I find the muscle pain in the lung area a good indicator to slow down or stop and rest until it eases.
I thought for ages that I was just unfit/out of breath and had stitch when running. Turns out stitch is felt in your belly and not up in your chest and that when normal people are out of breath exercising they can still breathe deeply! I never considered either of these two things were my asthma until this year. The things you learn!
I get the worst pain in my left back lung area. I sit lent over with my arm over my head. That's a really good indicator for me I'm not doing good. The Doctor in resus on my last trip, when I mentioned the same pain again, said it was because it was try hard to get air in. That made sense, it's because my chest gets so tight I'm trying to fill my lungs. Fast pulse, back/lung area pain, voice change are all my indicators with low PF