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9 Replies

I was wandering if anyone has ever experienced this.

I am having very sharp, but very short lived chest pains (left and right as opposed to dead in the middle) BUT i tested my PF and it was really good- one the best measurements I have had.

Anyone else experienced this?

Thank you, Lizzie xxx

9 Replies

I have something similar to this on a regular basis, if its a sharp pain thats worse on breathing in. I find that on such occasions it can be a good idea to snuggle down with a hot water bottle.

Of course, I am not a doctor and I cannot diagnose you over the internet or at all, this is meerly a suggestion and would say get help if this gets worse, or you are really worried.

Best of luck


because I have been quite worried and it has been going on for a while, I did go to the Gp and so far have had a blood test (all clear) and an ECG which i will discuss with them in my next appointment nest week. the thing is im not sure if it is asthma related or not so i thought i would ask everyone here.

it it very strange, but yes does worry me quite a bit, just because it is so painful but doesnt last long enough to go to A & E or anything

Hi S-Lizzie. have you had a cough and muscular? Would get checked out could be a infection in lungs starting xxx

hey glynis,

its hard to tell the difference between my asthma cough and a possible different cough! But no, i dont have any symptoms that i normally dont have. its strange

angievere profile image

I have chest pain all the time mostly on left side, have had several ECGs etc, but all came back clear. Doctors concluded it's muscular caused by long term asthma and coughing.

There are lots of posts on the subject - put Chest Pain into the search box on left hand side of the page. If you continue to be worried about the pain, do go back to your GP. In the meantime, the suggestion of a hot water bottle is a good one. I have a sort of hot water bottle, full of beans, which I warm in the microwave. That helps my chest and back pain, my son also uses it for his sore chest when he's ill.

When i have been coughing lots i get pain in my chest area. Was checked out many a times and they came to conclusion i was pulling muscles by coughing or even breaking ribs

I find asking a friend for a back massage helps, as does deep heat muscle rubs *but make sure not got ibropfen in* there are just general ones out there like boots own i find this helps, or hot water bottle helps, a warm bath and general pain killers.

I also find i get cramp in my rib area if i been laughing or coughing again muscle problem.

If you worried go back to GP and pester them lots, or ask to see a physio, or ask for xray.


thank you everyone :)

well Ill see what GP says on Tuesday when I next go and apparently we are going to discuss the ECG results. Nervous that they are going to find something wrong with me, equally nervous they are going to find nothing, as then I am back at square one. The muscle thing sounds like a possibility though!

Ill keep you posted though :)

Oh and searching through the forum for chest pains, really helped!!!

Best get checked out if got chest pain.

Yesterday I was having chest pains all day and lips were blue all day.

I went the hospital after the doc spoke to me over the phone.

My breathing was fine but have been admitted twice a few days for clot in lungs and under a cardiologist

with heart prob had to go up.

Best get seen to if still having pain xxx

yep i get chest pain when ive been coughing and had tests done because of it also i often have an ache in my breastbone. glad you are getting it checked out, fingers crossed you are ok x

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