Breathed in something....... - Asthma Community ...

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Breathed in something.......

8 Replies

through my inhaler & spacer the other day. Don't know what it was, i don't think it was very big but it really took my breath away, i couldn't swallow for a few seconds either. I could feel what ever it was for a couple of hours afterwards as it kept trying to come back up.

I always blow through my inhaler now to check its clear. Really wouldn't want the same to happen again. It was frightening.

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8 Replies

Wow that does sound scary! Glad you're ok!

Hi Julie

It happens to me sometimes if i have my inhaler in my pocket. Its prob just a tiny particle of dust but feels like someone stuck a dust bunny down your throat. It feels very uncmfortable for a while but i t will go. If you are unsure and still feeling strange then see your GP or nurse.

Take care


When I was working in respiratory medicine my consultant told me about a woman who inhaled the top of a biro that had got into her inhaler mouthpiece... not the cap, the little black bit at the top end of a Bic biro. Don't know how it got into her inhaler but would venture a guess that her work bag was a bit like my husbands!

She went to A&E and gave them a clear history of having inhaled something... they didn't think it was important and just treated her for exacerbation of asthma. Five years later my consultant was examining her with a view to giving evidence in her malpractice case - she developed localised bronchiectasis (thickening of the bronchi due to infection and leading to chronic suspectibility to infection) in the small sub-section of a lobe that had been blocked by the pen cap.

She had a good outcome because the bronchiectasis was very localised and when she had surgery to remove the affected section of lung, it was successful and she ended up with normal lung function and stopped getting infections.

Well, having scared you all silly and probably put you off using your inhalers for ever, I will say that I have had the sensation of inhaling something on a few occasions. I think it always feels bigger than it is, and as the others have said, it was probably just a particle of dust or something.

A reminder perhaps to all of us to keep the dust cap on our inhalers and maybe keep them in our bags in a puffa-pouch or some sort of similar bag.

One of my friends inhaled a spider once from her inhaler... she coughed it back out, but was severely traumatised... yuck yuck yuck!


spiders??? Yikes I'll be having nighmares! yuck cough gag!

Uuuuuurrrghhh!!!! Hope it wasn't a spider Yuck!!!

When i worked with the horses full time i used to have to be careful of bits of hay and straw in my inhaler. I also need to wash my spacer out more often as i thought it may of been a crusty bit of dried powder. I did have quite abit around the mouth piece on the day!

I am glad I have found this site (off work sick all week and bored out of my brain and feeling very sorry for myself) Julie I have just read your post about hay and straw, I have been off work and bad at the moment but have been attempting to venture down to do my ponies at least one a day - OH gets the grumps if he has to go twice which is enough to bring on another attack!!!! My ventolin has been living in my coat pocket all week as I have constantly needed it and the other night I used it in the car following a couhing fit and I inhaled a load of hay I think! Probably did not do much good for my over sensetive airways at the moment! Will keep it elsewhere in future!

lol-while I was in cambodia I had left My easi-breathe in My bag while I was at the skool and when I went to use it at the end of the day I took a big breath in and then looked and it was full of ants! EEK!

I was once driving down motorway and needed inhaler so took it out of my pocket had my feather body warmer and unfortynately had it in pocket with hole in so when i took it I didnt realise there wwas a feather in the inhaler and it got fired into my throat and i started choking not too good when u diriving LOL!!!

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