I'm new to Health Unlocked but though it was best to share my asthma story to get other opinions.
I have only had asthma for the past 2 years (I am 24) and have been told if you get asthma as an adult you're stuck with it for the rest of your life. Since I was diagnosed with asthma, I have been on 4 different inhalers. I first started on a powder inhaler which I really disliked, so I changed to a MDI gas inhaler. I have tried fostair as a preventer but it was making my hands tremble and the nurse said it was too strong for my body, however it was helping me to breathe better. I went back to the nurse with the trembles and she put me on Clenil 100mcg. This I tried for x4 weeks and it isn't strong enough, but no hand trembling with this one. I also started with a cough whilst on this inhaler and I take all of my inhalers through a spacer - I felt like this one took my breath away when I inhaled. I have recently been prescribed with a new inhaler which I have not yet tried, however I am testing this for x2 weeks to see whether this one is strong enough and does not make my hands tremble. The nurse said I am on my way to being a 'brittle asthmatic' which means that they don't know what to prescribe you for your asthma!