Spiriva: HI Is any one else on spyriva... - Asthma Community ...

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HI Is any one else on spyriva as i went in the hospital for appendicits the nurses said they had never seen or heard of it before ??

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18 Replies

GP has just put me on Spiriva. It's a relatively new drug. a long-acting anticholinergic. It's not actually licensed for asthma in the UK, and is usually used for patients with COPD. However I had such lousy side-effects from all the normal long acting beta agonists like oxis and serevent that the GP decided to try an anticholinergic bronchodilator instead. We started on atrovent which only lasts 4-6 hours so runs out in the middle of the night, but at least it didn't make me throw up or give me agonizing cramps. Spririva is a once daily dose so I'm hoping for no side-effects and some good nights sleep !

I've just been started on spiriva too so you're certainly not alone - my consultant said that it's normally used for smokers but that there is evidence coming to light that it can also help asthma so is trying me on it. Here's hoping it helps us all !!

Hi Katielou,

My consultant put me on Spiriva a few months ago, he's had some success using it in asthmatics and is planning a proper randomised controlled trial. I think it's helped a bit with the nights although it's hard to be sure cos I've been pretty up and down over the last few months.

I get a lot of comments from doctors, nurses, pharmacists etc about it because it's not normally used in asthma. It is increasingly used in COPD so it's not exactly a rare drug, but I guess surgical nurses probably don't come across patients with bad COPD very often, so that's perhaps why they didn't recognise it.

By the way, isn't the inhaler just the most antiquated drug delivery system you've ever seen? It reminds me of the old fashioned rotahaler I used to have as a kid - you'd think the company could have come up with something a little more modern-looking!

Em H

I have been on spyriva for about 18 months and find it great. I have not been in hospital all this time and it gets me through the night. I am on sertide 250 and was also on combivent before I was put on spyriva. I suppose like everything it will suit one person but not another. I have found it great and if I forget to take it in the morning my breathing (or lack of it) soon lets me know.

regards to all


Hi katielou,

I tried spiriva earlier on this year but sadly didn't get on with it as it gave me the most horrendous cramps especially in the middle of the night. I really hope it works for you.

Good luck


Kendavis359 profile image

I have noticed when on Oxis turbohaler that it makes my face swell up my problem is that it seems to work better than the serevent its opposite equivalent which did nothing for me. the side affects sure make life not easy as well as the steroids. Does anybody else suffer in the same way, or is it just me getting older and fatter? Looking for an alternative if anybody knows of one because my doctor just dont what to try next. How long befor the spiriva kicks into action i tried it for three weeks once but got no reaction was that long enough.


hi katielou

i have been on sprivia for about 18 months it was not licensed for asthmatics only people with COPD i don't know wether that has changed, anyway i have only had one hospital admission since then with a chest infection so i feel it has helped me, my consultant doesn't like it being used for asthmatics as he thinks it drys the airways, but i will try anything somedays have even considered arsenic!! (not really)

good luck

love lisa xx


Thanks to all of you ,i didnt know that it wasnt legal in the uk lol but my consaltant didnt have any hessitants to giving me it im on 4 other meds as well i dont even know what its supposed to do to me lol !

emilyH - the design is horrid and the colours are nasty and dull when i am with a firnd and have to use it they think its the mist wierd lookin inhaler device ever !!

hi, i have been on it for just over a month think it is helping. agree that it is such a strange old style device, i dont know how people who are old with poor dexterity or who shake lots manage!

g x

Kendavis359 profile image



I was told that this should work within the first month if it was going to. It takes about a week of daily dosing to reach a steady level in the blood. So you should have seen some difference in your 3 week trial.

Absolutly stupid question but one I am going to ask I cos it affected me. Are you taking it correctly. I had my technique checked and my asthma nurse reckoned all the powder was hitting the back of my throat not getting into my lungs. I have been using dry pwoer inhalers for years and years and was most indignant when a check of technique was suggested. It might be worth getting your asthma nurse to check that it is all getting into your lungs.


Spyrivas a funny drug for asthmatics it works better for COPD patients, in asthmatics it either works brilliant within 6 weeks or not at all as in my case, unfortunatley no in between with it


i don't know, I find it helps a wee bit but not spectacularly. I only take it some of the time (when everything else isn't keeping things at bay) cos it gives me such a dry mouth I can't talk with it.

i guess i am taking it properly i dont really know and as for an asthma nurse i ve not had one for 10 years and havent been offerd one ! it dosent do alot well i m not sure what its suppposed to do but i take it any way im sure my consalultant knows what hes doing lol!

My asthma is doin my head in at the mo started collage and the coughing has started again and i can feel a chest infection brewing - ahhhh! i am due to see my consaultant soon and i cant belive its getting worse i cant blow very hard (out) and cant measure it cos i lost my peek flow - not having a very good time and i am already havoing to exlpain to teachers that the coughing is my asthma andit will be worse when the cold air strikes !

I think ill book my hospital bed now !!

bumped for hudson2332

Look thro the posts on this topic there are some re asthma and spiriva vs copd and spiriva so hope it helps

Kat X

Helsco profile image

I have been on Spiriva for about 2 years now - started on the old fashioned one, the handihaler, which I found worked okay but like some people are saying I found that I got lots of sore throats and wasn't convinced it was working as well as it could. I changed on to the Spiriva Respimat - much easier to use, comes out in a fine mist spray, still only once a day as well. Since I have been on that I have noticed a marked improvement in my asthma. Worth asking GP/consultant to give it a go.


For Ratty

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