I would be interested to find out whether anyone else has found doctors and consults have completely different view on treatments?
My own personal experiences has been the treatment is not consistant. One consultant wanted me to start using Terbutaline sub-cuts, seen another one who believed it benefits were questionable and again others who had conflicting views.
You would hope the consultants would all be following the same guidelines! But what is really anoying is when I had a short term trial, I felt better then I had been in a very long time, but I have no say in my own treatment.
Meanwhile I struggle on a daily basis, and have had numerous re-admiitance to hospital incuding critcal care, which must be costing the NHS Thousands if not tens of thousands. It would be nice if Asthma care was a bit more ""joined up"".
Appreciate comments from anyone else who has had similar experiences, just so I have some assurance It not just me.
Also, if any one is using Terbutaline, has it helped long term?