I am so fed up of my Asthma this year - Asthma Community ...

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I am so fed up of my Asthma this year

Asthma-girl profile image
ā€¢19 Replies

I am so fed up of my asthma so far this year, it has been bad since end of January.

I have had to go on a nebuliser several times plus taken steroid tablets.

I had go to hospital again Monday evening where I was treated in the resus room I was put on a nebuliser where they treated me with one type of drug which did not help much then I had to take steroid tablets there then was given another drug via the nebuliser, I got so close to being admitted into hospital.

I am now on my fifth lot of steroid tablets so far this year, eight tablets to take for the next five days.

I am sorry to moan but I am so fed up at the moment and I am starting to wonder if it will ever get better again

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19 Replies

takes time - and i cant wait till my evil asthma calms down.

hang in there i've been a little down about my asthma recently too, have you had your meds checked? I was having a similar pattern like you and i had literally everything changed. Previously I had Qvar and bircanyl and while on the two i had 4 or 5 massive attacks then switched from Qvar to Symbicort and that was terrible.

I think if you reviewed your medications with a GP explaining everything you've just said here then you will be ok. It sounds like something needs switching or even trying an new set of inhalers see if it makes any changes. I really liked the bircanyl as it worked for me but i tried out the sabutamol/ventolin and i found it all lot better for my symptoms as they had developed since the time i was given the bircanyl.

Ive done the A&E trips myself and its not nice and it makes you become nervous about the attacks - i recently had a third inhaler added and i cant explain how much more confidence it gave me as it works (unfortunatly wears out in the evening and then i have sheer hell which leads to more nasty side effects and thats a whole different topic on here!) I think you need to find an inhaler which can rapidly turn around the severity of your attacks? maybe kept to use in that emergency situation.

good luck i hope you feel better soon.

I also have had a nightmare of a year so far and doesn't seem to be improving.

I have been on oral steriods 4 or 5 times this year, anti-bios 3 or 4 times this year for a chest infection had my inhaler doses changed, a new inhaler added and last week I had singlair added to my treatment plan and still no improvement at all. I have avoided hospital admittion twice this year so far and I am beginnign ot get to a point where I dread the next doctors appointment.

Hope you start feelign better soona dn the doctors can help you finally get you asthm aback under-control. Good luck and take care

Asthma-girl profile image

Thanks for your kind words.

I have been to the doctor's this morning where they told me that I need to have a nebuliser at home and the doctor has arranged an urgent asthma clinic appointment for me to attend in the next few days to discuss having a nebuliser

crazy snow...ash cloud..pollen..hayfever and before we know it will be in frost season again!

i think everyone is having one of these years and we have the odds against us too. glad you have a remedy at home with you which is great news.

hope you feel better soon.

That is brilliant news asthmagirl. Just wondering what meds are you taking at the moment and what are the dosagers. I have my next review on Wednesday afternoon and I am petrofied of going as when I went last time the doctor I saw said that if their was no-improvement in my peak-flow or my asthma then we would have to go down the route of nebulisers. He was great he explained that are their 5 steps on the asthma treatment plan step 1 reliever, step 2 and preventor, step 3 add long-acting inhaler usually green , step 4 add Singulair and finally step 5 add nebulisers. I am on step 4 and at present taking 400mg Slabutamol as required, 400mg Clenil twice a day, 50mg Salmetarol twice a day and 10mg Singulair at bed-time.

I am very interested in find out what medication and doses people are taking as I am very confused at the moment on what the maxium dosees are for the inhalers. I am only 140cm tall and I have been told my maximum doses for clenil is 1000mg a day and 200mg Salmeterol a day because of my height. I have also been told that the maximum doses of inhalerds are based oin your height, age and metrobolic rate and mine is slow

I am sorry to hear so many are struggling with their asthma at the moment. But...

I am really confused by the number of people being offered nebulisers by their GP. I have always been told that if your asthma is not controlled and you need regular nebs you should be in hospital. I understand there are a number of people on these boards that do use regular nebs, but as part of their daily treatment and they are on max medication. Even these people have strict guidelines as to how often is safe to use a neb and when to seek medical attention.

My son is under a specialist hospital and has tried almost every medication available, has an average lung function of 45% and is regularly admitted to hospital. Despite this, he uses an inhaler with a spacer and if this is not lasting 4 hours he has to be reviewed at our local hospital. Over the past 3 weeks he has been using 10 puffs of ventolin every 2-3 hours, was seen by his community nurse regularly and had 4 visits to hospital for burst therapy with nebs. We have been in close contact with his specialist throughout this period, with a low threshold for going to hosiptal at the first sign of any deterioration.

Please don't think I am having a go at anyone, I am just a little concerened about people relying too much on nebs and not seeking help soon enough. Please if you are offered a nebuliser to use at home make sure you have a care plan to go with it.

I would expect anyone who has exhausted treatments up to step 4 to be referred to a specialist. The next step is daily steroid tablets (not a home nebuliser). My son currently takes Symbicort 400/12 (2 puffs 3 times a day), Oxis 12 (2 puffs twice a day), Spiriva 2.5 (2 puffs once a day), Ventolin as needed, Azithromycin 500mg (once a day), Pred 40mg daily and is currently also having montly Kenalog (steroid) injections. He also takes meds for reflux and allergies. In the past he has tried Xolair, IV immunoglobulin, Azathioprine, Methotrexate and subcut Bricanyl. He cannot tolerate theophylline and had no benefit from Singulair.

It can take some time to find the correct coctail of meds and is a lot of trial and error. Most people will find the right combination and gain control of their Asthma. But I agree, this year has not been good for alot of people I know with Asthma and their control has gone haywire recently. Hopefully this is just a blip and everyone will get on top their symptoms again. But please, if you are struggling and needing to use alot of Ventolin please seek medical help.

angievere profile image

Confused about Nebulisers

Koolkat's comment is interesting - I too am a bit confused about the use of nebs. I purchased a nebuliser for son about 6 yrs ago - GP was fine about it but an A&E dr told me they dont like people using nebulisers at home because anyone needing it should go straight to hospital! I told the dr that when we bring my son to hospital he's put on nebuliser and one at home meant he got relief sooner.

We saw a GP on Friday (son has another chest infection - not our usual GP) and I asked her about using nebs at home. She said nebs have gone out of fashion, a 'recent study' shows that the relief is more psychological than physical and you get as much relief from using ventolin with spacer!

Needless to say we will continue with home use of nebuliser when necessary, but talk about confused....Can anyone throw any light on this?

am i missing something...

I thought nebs were a worst case scenario thing - i just ordered myself a digital peak flow on line and noticed you can buy them on line (not sure how this works as you surely need to be prescribed the capsules). Im having a bad asthma day ended up using ventolin 5 times today as i just feel like i have a hurd of elephants sitting on my chest.

that now that ive seen this post and that you can buy them i wondered why they are becoming so popular too. Im on 3 inhalers and singluair and its still not controlling me. I due a check up on monday and im ready to beg for a serevent (im desperate as i get really bad hayfever). Is using a nebuliser safer than using 2 preventers and singulair?

KateMoss profile image

Regarding home nebulisers, It is now recomended that 10 puffs of ventolin through a spacer is equivalent to a neb.

Nebulisers should only be used at home if all other avenues have been looked at.

I use regular-ish nebs at home because I am brittle, and otherwise I would virtually live in the hospital if I didn't . I also have s/c ventolin so I and a bit high on the old ventolin too! I know my limits. 2 nebs and no improvement, I am calling the paramedics.

I have learnt in the past that becoming too reliant on home nebs can be extremely detrimental. I have left it a bit late to get help after using 3-4 nebs in a row. Rescus & brief resp arrest.!

There are many other avenues to explore. Nebulisers are not the easy quick fix option

Confused, no they are NOT safer that using preventers! Nebs are emergency relievers in most cases. They are up to 20 times as strong as an inhaler and have side effects.

The whole point of asthma control is to get a good regime of preventers sorted. It may take time!

It can take a good few months or even years to get it sorted.

Yes, you can buy nebs from the internet. Most companies will sell them minus VAT if you send them a vat excemption form proving that you are chronically sick and use nebs.

BUT only a doctor can prescribe (Cons initiated) the nebules etc. Without these, the nebuliser is useless.

Sorry, I seem to have rambled on a bit!


I'm really sorry to hear that so many of you are having problems with your asthma at the moment, I really hope you can sort the right treatment options out and get your asthma back under controll.

Just to say I completly agree with koolcat; yes confused you can buy nebulisers but it would be no good to you as you need a doctor to prescribe the nebules to put in it. Also using a nebuliser is deffinetly deffinelty not better than being on preventative medication. Ventolin nebulisers are just a more powerful version of your inhaler. If you used a nebuliser instead of preventative medication you would just be treating your symptoms instead of preventing them like you should be; so you would practically be forcing yourself to have an attack before you did anything about it, instead of using preventative medication which prevents attacks from occuring (although I am aware that it dosn't always work).

I was given nebulisers at home after spending vast amounts of time in hospital (about 10 addmissions lasting a week or more in a year) , while trying to live a normal teenage life. My consultant only prescribed me home nebs because he had tried every other option, and I was already on theophyllin, symbicort, antihistamines, singulair, and continuos maintenance pred, and having nebs at home ment that I could be let out that little bit earlier, or if I had a sudden server attack I could use my neb while getting help, I was also given a very strict protocoll for using home nebs.

I also believe there is quite alot of evidence about at the moment to say that having high doses ( i think 10 puffs) of your inhaler through a spacer is as effective as a nebuliser. I oftern use my inhaler and spacer rather than having a nebuliser, as personally I find it just as effective, although if I'm very unwell I do use nebulisers.

If you feel your asthma uncontrolled please go back to your GP and see what he/she says; you may need a referal to a consultant, who has more specialist knowledge of asthma, please be asured tho that the vast majoritiy of peoples asthma can be controlled with the right combinations of preventative medication. Another option if your struggling with your asthma, and a place to get great advice is the Asthma Uk advice line, the asthma nurses are great and can tell you what you Dr should be doing next if your asthma's uncontrolled, they can also give you loads more advice on nebulisers.

Good luck everyone


oops Kate beat me too it :)

KateMoss profile image

LOL! :-)

I think we both hit the mark with various valid points,

plus my brain is a bit addled at the mo with... ventolin!

Hi Angie,

We had a neb about the time my son was 7 because it was the 'in thing' to do at the time. It was the hospital who advised against using it and the Royal Brompton who were adamant it should not be used (although I know they do have kids who have nebs).

I was like you and continued to use it as a first line treatment when he was bad and if it didn't do the job went off to A&E. This was all good until the day we used it and he thought it was suffocating him and he refused nebs in hospital and ended up on IV's a result. I found out much later through a different consultant that if someone has low sats, using an air driven neb can actually cause sats to decrease which is why all nebs in that hospital are now oxygen driven. As a result if you don't have low sats they only treat you with inhalers and a spacer.

Hope all is going ok at the moment and the chest infection doesn't knock him two much.

hi ally & Kate,

i seriously do not want the nebuliser - im hoping i can drop my extra top up's as quickly as possible! I didnt realise that when people mention on here that they use nebs that it was litterally the nebs at home! I didnt think they available to keep at home.

Im at a stage now where ive tried so many selections of medications that im dredding the next step. Im just swotting up on all the other options before my GP's keep me on a longer course of steriods (which was mentioned in my last check up) I dont want more medication and i definetly dont want anymore side effects.

im due to see my gp soon as my peakflow has dropped drastically again (but dredding it aswell!) im starting to think this will never calm down!

angievere profile image

Nebuliser - to have or not to have...

Thanks for the last posts regarding nebs. I fully appreciate the point that nebs at home can lull an asthmatic into false sense of security which is probably why the A&E doctor told me the medical profession don't like people having them at home. I think my current GP and the one before (who put neb capsules on repeat prescription) know that I'm experienced enough to know when things are serious. I practically camp out at the surgery anyway...

Fortunately me and my son haven't needed the nebuliser for about a year now. But I always know it's there if we need it. Also it does give very quick relief, as opposed to puffing away on a spacer.

Edit. Wrote above before I read your last post KoolKat. Very interesting about low SATs - didnt know that. Will speak to son's consultant about the matter when we see him this week. Funny that nebs remain on repeat prescription tho' - GP hasnt said anything. A bit surprised as he's usually very good.

Wow you for the info about the nebs. I also have tried every cocktail of meds out their and quite a lot of them I had to stop taking within a month under doctors permission due to side effects and 2 sadly flixotide and Atrovent I had allergic reactions too. If a doctor feels a neb is needed they can pout you on one at their surgery and my doctor always rings the chemist I go to and asked them to bring over 2 nebulises that he prescribes to me. If I went to the hospital every time I needed assistance I would be living there. I need medical assistance a lot at the moment and I have to asthma reviews every 14 days because of how brittle my asthma is. My hubbie has had to take over with a lot of the house work as I just can't do them. I can't even peg the washing out with out having to use my salbutamol. Already today I have had 12 puffs of ventolin and I have only been awake for 3 hours. I am energyless and very lathargic. I don't want to have a neb at home as I know how scarey they are for children to see their mother having to use one and it is a last resort for me. I would so much prefer to just use loads and load sof the salbutamol than have to use a neb but my throat and mouth is fully of steriod burns from the amount I am having ot use the inhalers it is so painful. And yes I wash and rince my mouth out after every time I use my inhalers and even go as far as rincing out with a mouth-wash.

Asthma family, are you under a consultant? You really should be if your struggling this much. Getting a consultant who specialises in asthma would hopefully help you quite alot... You should'nt have to live with being that breathless so easily. *hugs* ally

I am being refered to a consultant just got to wait for the appointment and you know what hospitals are like so for know my GP is having ot help as much as he can and part of this help is fortnightly reviews but if I need to see him before the fortnight review then the receptionist have been told I am to be fitted in on the day I phone even if it means taking an emergency appointment. My son is seeing the doctor on Tuesday morning for his asthma as he is having a flare up again and might end up being put back on step 3. He was taken down a step a few months ago but he is also requiring more of his ventolin and we have double dhis inhalers due tothe flare up and sadly Tuesday was the earlist they could see him even though it is asthma related

Hi Asthma Family,

I do hope you get your referral to the specialist soon, I understand how difficult is to be struggling on a daily basis with no apparent light at the end of the tunnel.

I see you have tried Flixotide which didn't agree with you so that put Serevent out the picture too. Have you tried either Pulmicort or Symicort. They both come in a turbohaler (dry powder inhaler rather than an aerosol) and might suit you better if you are problrms with Beclomethasone.

I'm not sure whether I have read before if you use a spacer, but using your inhaler with a spacer is far more effective. How many puffs do you use at any one time? Perhaps you could speak to your GP and ask if he would be happy for you to use 10 puffs at a time. As said before this is the equivelent of a nebuliser and you would be able to do this before needing to go to the doctors. It may stop you getting to the point that you are struggling so much that you need a nebuliser when you get there. It would also help if you feel your children would find it very difficult with you using a nebuliser, they probably see using a spacer as the norm so would be ok with this.

You say you have tried all the meds available in the past but had to stop due to side effects/reactions. What have you used? There are a number of different meds available that do the same thing, but different types work better for different people. Have you ever tried Theophylline? for example - Slophylline or Uniphylline. Not sure whether GP's prescribe this but it can be effective for some people. As said earlier Symbicort is similar to Seratide, many people here use this on the smart system and have found it helpful. Also it might be worth discussing about the possiblities of an allergy such as hayfever as if this is treated appropriately with antihistamines/nasel spray it can really help with asthma control. My son has been having hayfever probs since March but doesn't get itchy eyes. It mostly affects his asthma.

Hopefully your appointment will come through soon and you will get some additional help.

Hope you are not struggling too much at the moment.

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