I have just been discharged from hospital after another two week admission where i was very unwell and ended up in itu for a couple of days.
I have comehome today after lots of discussion with consultant as peak flows still low etc but he agreed that i would be better at home on the condition i went straight back if any problems.
During this admission he looked back at a CT scan that i had done in september, this aparently shows Empysema, i didnt ask him much about it all and just kind of said ok and that was it really. well now i have had time to think about it i am totally confused. Does that i mean i have asthma? does it mean that things will allways be this uncontrolled etc?
I am due back to the royal brompon on the 10TH november for a histamin challenge and to finish difficult asthma protocal, do you think i should tell them about this before i go as i am not sure how much it changes thing?
I am sorry if this is a garbled mess but any advice would be greatly recieved
Many Thanks