Plug in air freshners: Went dog sitting... - Asthma Community ...

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Plug in air freshners

19 Replies

Went dog sitting a couple of weeks ago at a house full of plug in air freshners. Not a good idea. Although I turned them off straight away it was a few days before the house was rid of those awful smells . Obviousley I have become sensitive to theses products. It was a few days before my chest felt better. Anyone else have this?

19 Replies

When I had problems with asthma, that whole class of things used to set me off: air fresheners, plug-in fresheners, furniture polish...stuff like that.

All those lovely, damaging chemicals. No great surprise that it's not so good to breathe them in really.

I really think that all these air fresheners are unneccessary and not only are they harmful to may peoples health(including mine and my daughters) they also cant do the environment any good and minimal though it may be its also an un- needed use of power.

The only ""air fresheners"" we have in our home are dried lavender and in rooms where possible windows open (not mine because of pollen i have an air filter that seems to keep it fresh) I have had comments from people that my home always has a pleasant smell so homes needent ""smell""

I feel that the use these and those used in public places such as toilets(that squirt at set intervals) should seriously be reviewd.

Yes, I have problems with these as well as many other things. If I go for a meeting in a room with one of these I would ask for it to be switched off. At work this would be done with no argument.

If in a public building, waiting room, etc. and they refuse it could be a disability discrimination act issue.

Don't stand any nonsense if these affect you as its you that could end up in hospital.


Yep! My grandparents had them in every room of the house, all cranked to 5! It was almost like a visible aura of overpoweringly-scented asthma doom! I switched all the upstairs bedrooms off- nobody's noticed...yet! Probably grateful for methoxybenzaldehyde-free air :P *coughs*

My mum banned artificial air fresheners worrying that the weird chemicals were contributing to my depression & headaches -go figure!

I guess i'm sensitive to them cause i'm not in contact with triggers very often (smoking/air freshener/tartrazine/North Carolina pollen) & i've habituated to the others (cats/dogs/mountains/tree pollen)

WzySurf :)

Me too. Cough, cough, cough .... They should all be banned !

Big no no for me!!!!! cant even tollerate nephews hair gell!!

We have those time squirty ones at work, cos not allowed to use aerosol air fresheners for health & safety reasons....

Hi all, i am new to this forum,

But yes i do, my chest gets very tight and i become very wheezy, i also get this when my husband sprays his deoderant, lynx is the worst for me.


Yuk, hate plug ins

Plug in airfreshners really cause havoc with me asthma. My mum had three in her new house but have to through them out. She probably won't notice.

Why can't people open a window and let the fresh air in?

Don't normally react to chemical or environmental problems but this really does do my chest in.

The adverts ought to have a health warning.


I can't stand air freshners - they make me feel like there's no oxygen in the room!! I can't breathe, and my eyes and nose stream like I've got a cold within minutes. Those plug-in ones are the worst of all.

Its definitely an old people thing. My nan had an air freshner in every room for some reason!!

Spaniel xx

Plug in air fresheners are evil - electrified evil! Not that I have any strong opinions on this ;oP

BeckyG, don't hold back sweetie:)


ps blue rice pudding?????

Plug in Air freshners

I wrote in the original post. Is it time to put warning labels on theses products?

Me and my daughter end up coughing and wheezing as soon as we have been round them for a few minutes. My nephew who is 3 had one plugged in outside his bedroom door . A few weeks ago he woke during the night put his hand through the stair gate and drank the contents.resulting in a lengthy trip to A & E . Thankfully they are banned from their house now .My sister in law loves them . Nikki XX

lol bex, thanks, and yes, blue rice pudding. A few years ago I ended up in Cheltenham General Hospital where they had a fixation with everyone eating everything at every meal time, giving us all suppliment drinks and extra 'snack bags'. I was also on Kangaroo Juice (the ng tube feed), and this was despite the fact that none of us looked malnourished. Anyway, one day the woman in the bed opposite reached her fill-level and really couldn't manage any more and was prepared to deal with the wrath of the nurses, doctors and dieticians. She left half of her rice pudding. Thirty minutes later it had congealed and started to turn blue! Now we knew why they were so desperate for us to eat everything - despite it being absolutely disgusting - if we didn't, the food would literally show us it's true colours.

(Sorry for hi-jacking this thread)


BeckyG, ewwwwwwwwwww so that will Chelteham off my list places it is safe to splatt in, thanks for the warning.


Bex, the food was disgusting and the rice pudding was scary, the hospital building was grim and old-fashioned, but the care was great, particularly in ITU and HDU. I'd say that Cheltenham is a safe place to splat in, from a medical point of view, but the food is very suspect ... and possibly not really food.

Actually my super rich Daddy (not that I see any of it) lives in Cheltenham, so if I were to splatt there I would expect immediate transfer to a nice private costa somewhere close, at the least and if nothing else daily food parcels cooked by some top class chef to my personal taste :)


Thats interesting as i have had them in a few rooms of my house for the past few months as welll so that could be affecting me too. I never tought it could. What is it that causes it?

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