Its English, but not as we know it - Asthma Community ...

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Its English, but not as we know it

13 Replies

I wrote the word 'molocate' in one of my posts.

This is its definition for those who don't know - To batter or destroy. As in ""Ah'm gonnae molocate you!""

Any other odd words out there.

13 Replies

Hehe thanks GrannyMo, I did want to know what that meant!

Floccinaucinihilipilification - not giving a damn, the act of considering something utterly worthless.

Glaikit ... Not withit .

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - 'a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs ... Yum!

haha Charlie, I saw that on the same page as I got my word from (not going to type it out again).

My Scottish colleague used a wonderful word today to describe the weather - something meaning 'wet, damp, miserable, gloomy'. Unfortunately I have no idea how to spell it - GrannyMo and any other Scots on here, do you know what it might be?

Haha i didnt even look at what it meant till after i pasted on here so chuckled when i read! Oops

That word would be dreich. As in 'the weather's guy dreich the day.'

discombobulate (to confuse someone).

Someone used 'dreich' in River City the other day.

Skee-skee profile image

I like the word Dreich too. It hasn't definitely been Dreich here today.

My current favourite Scottish word is bosie - which means hug or cuddle.

I quite like the word parsimonious (it means really frugal/stingy or in some contexts simple). It makes me think of Harry Potter tough.

For some reason I quite like didactic too.

Talking of strange words has anyone ever played Balderdash?

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

I like ""cwtch"" and now, i'm seeing how long it takes for someone to tell me what it means and where it's from!

Geina x

Cwtch has got to be a welsh name as it has a 'w' put randomly right in the centre...and it has to be either a place or a still life object!?!?!

Cwch. Pronounced Cuch. Welsh is like Scots Gaelic, there isn't often one English word that means exactly the same as cwch.

Similar to bosie and coorie. Possibly nearer to 'clinch', which means to hug someone affectionately. As in ""I saw herself and the new boyfriend in a clinch.""

PS Cwch can also mean a cupboard. Or 'a press' as Scots has it.

Edit - to make more sense.

fyi press is also the Irish word for cupboard...





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