Hi, I posted this in another community but the more opinions the better. Is it possible to have asthma if you are at 100% oxygen? I've been felling short of breath that gets worse at night or walking around a lot. I also feel a tight chest not sure if it is my chest or my abdomen that feels tight since I've been diagnosed with acid reflux. My doc said I can't have asthma bc I am at 100% oxygen. However, I'm a little doubtful with her reasoning. I also have nasal congestion tho Nothing comes out and a bit of mucus buildup in my throat but it doesn't seem infection related since I always have it and it is not a lot/not a specific color. I have been told I have anxiety but I'm not sure if this is anxiety related bc I feel like it happens even when I'm not anxious.
Do I have asthma & not know it? - Asthma Community ...
Do I have asthma & not know it?

Symptoms of acid reflux can include tightness of chest. If you have nasal problems it may be helpful to use a nasal rinse such as NeilMed sinus rinse (available from Amazon). It's definitely worth a try as it helped my asthmatic son a lot (for rhinitis).
Good luck and I hope things improve for you.
All your symptoms can be a result of your anxiety, even when you don't feel particularly anxious at that moment. So far, you are, on the whole, fine. Concentrate on managing your anxiety. You should have help for this - if not, see your GP and insist on it - so you don't concentrate on what might or might not be wrong with you.
I get out of breath walking even tho it feels like running one time I woke up felt like I was gasping to breath that was horrible.
Acid can irritate the lungs and give you asthma like symptoms including breathlessness and tight chest. Ask to be referred for an endoscopy to put your mind at rest.
A dispersible aspirin before bed stopped me from ever getting severe wheezing at night. Like you, my asthma developed without my realizing it at first. I remember wondering why I was tight-chested on a Friday evening after having a steamy shower, and then feeling even more puzzled later when still tight-chested as I walked into a pub. It was some time before that 'severe wheezing' happened at night. My theory is that many people develop asthma in response to atmospheric humidity and temperature, and then all sorts of things can trigger the typical asthmatic onset/'attack'. Once, I was obviously primed for some night-time asthma but didn't know it. Had just got in bed and my asthma was 'triggered' by the cat jumping onto it bit.ly/serevent and facebook.com/aspirin2relief