Electric food steamers: Does anyone use... - Asthma Community ...

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Electric food steamers

28 Replies

Does anyone use one of the electric food steamers at all ??

Just had one delivered which is a 3-tier digital steamer with a rice bowl and herb infuser too !!

But am a little nervous about using it !!

Gonna try it out today but wondered if anyone had any tips at all ??

28 Replies

We bought one a few months ago and find it great for veg. It is useful to do several small portions at once which when you have a family who all like different it is useful. For us it took a bit of trial and error before we got them cooking to our liking. We first followed instructions in manual but found they were over cooked/soggy. So slowly decreased time till we got them as we like them.

Never done rice in it though, well not yet.

Have fun

The book with this is useless has a few times but nought of any great use lol

But it is on and cooking dinner now lol

Baby spuds, salmon fillers, and baby summer veg lol

Smells delicious sat here lol

We thought (mum and me) it was time to stop killing our food and eat a little healthier if we can lol

So got this steamer and also a stove top pan that will cook 3 different things too lol

yaf_user681_26410 profile image

use our steamer all the time for veggies. rice and pasta are cook really well in it too without having to be watched all the time. we can only do 3 portions of rice or pasta in our steamer though which is a bit of a pain ewhen all 4 of us are home.

Well one meal down !!


Baby spuds, salmon fillets and baby summer vegetables in it !!

Then served with bisto white sauce !!

Crumbs do the the vegetables TASTE different when they steamed and not stoved top boiled !!

And the smell was yummy !!

Tell ya someat best investment I made recently !!

Guess we lucky that there is only mum and me usually !!

Being bone idle here for dinner lol

Steamer is on again lol

Got in it:

Bottom tier - peeled and chopped to medium size spuds

Middle tier - (home frozen) baby carrots and broccoli

Top tier - 2x Salmon fillets (Youngs frozen)

To serve with bisto instant white sauce again though lol

Trying Salmon on top today as it cooked a bit too quick yesterdat anf the veg wanted to be closer to heat I think lol

Well all can do is try hey lol

i use mine quiet a bit. put things like fish at the bottom and add some lemon. helps taste and stops the steamer smelling. put light veg at the top and keep an eye on the water level.

KateMoss profile image

I have an ordinary stainless steel steamer that goes on the cooker.

Can do fish in it as well but need to put a bit of foil under it.

Veges very yummy!

Kate lol

We used to have a stove top one but never got on with it at all lol

But defo think this electric one was well worth getting lol

did baby souds in ours last nite as read on here they taste better n they do!! mm dad was suitably impressed too, wanted to know why i was suddenly using ours and i told him how every one on here rated them!!

HAPPY Rave alert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok it is on again

Found a website yesterday that gave ALOT of tips for cooking meats in a steamer of any kind

Will find url after dinner for anyone interested as the website was brill for other stuff too

So for a change:

Bottom - 2x (defrosted for my piece of mind more) Pork steaks

Middle - (home frozen) potatoes

Top - (home frozen) small bag of baby summer vegetables

And probably white sauce but aint made mind up yet

It is smelling divine (Oh boy am I drooling at the smell)

Most Excellent Results !!

Ohhhh boy was that yummy lol

Pork so moist it melted in mouth, and veg just right and all served again with bisto white sauce lol

Sorry but I can defo taste the difference and the pork steaks were so moist and tasty lol

KateMoss profile image

I do Salmon in foil with a dash of olive oil and taragon.

I also do fresh spuds in slices or the very baby spuds.

Spaghetti Squash works well as well as butternut squash.

I also have some of those chinese bamboo steamers somewhere!

Regards electric steamers.... I have run out of worktop space and cupboard space too in my tiny kitchen. Work top full of bread maker!



me tinks i am going to have to invest in one...

any suggestions on which make is best?


lol Kate had to laugh when saw breadmaker lol

Ours went POP last yr and I nvever replaced it yet lol

Must be next on me list lol

Just been at it again lol

It too easy lol


Bottom - defrosted pork steaks

Middle - home frozen potatoes (still frozen)

Top - home frozen spring cabbage and leeks (still frozen)

Served with bisto white sauce again

Bunged it all on together for 25mins and it was ALL perfect, even cabbage and leeks were brill, not wilted or ought which surprised me slightly lol

Ours is a BUSH ST004 model digital version (there is a manual one too) lol

KateMoss profile image

I can't get my head round frozen spuds!!!???

apart from froz chips and those ready roasted things!!

Are they round like new potatoes or in portions / chopped up??




The frozen spuds thing Kate is that when I buy normal spuds we tend to peel and home freeze half as that way they don't goto waste or sprout or whatever lol

Just prepare them as normal and blanché them then let to cool and bag em up lol

Do it with alot of veg actually lol

Obviously some veg like cabbage or leeks etc don't need to blanchéd lol

By way before I forget I came across this following website while looking for steaming info for meats lol

The site has alot of other useful info on it too lol


Whoopee get to do the food shopping tomorrow for steamer foods etc etc and of course the usual Wheezer safe treats too lol

KateMoss profile image

Thanks Wheezer, I had a picture in my mind of you buying ready frozen spuds!

I usually buy small quantities and then if they do sprout, cut the eyes out and eat them anyway!

Also, I only have a small fridge freezer so only spinach, sweetcorn & peas in there!



Tend also to freeze stuff Kate causa my mum too !

Cause if I end up elsewhere (shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) she has food in then !

But we have an old chest freezer that we freeze bread and any double up or multiple items in !

But our main stuff is in our big fridge-freezer (remember the one that got replaced last yr in the HEAT wave then) !

Mushrooms and peppers get frozen alot here too !

Gotta admit had early dinner today 1pm so was sarnies for tea but im starving this evening !

(Stress makes me eat and it been a bad day !)

Also Kate just thought wehn mum 1st came outta hossie after her illness I ""DID"" have to resort to buying in frozen Aunt Bessies Mashed potatoes as I simply couldnt cook a meal then either as I had an admission just as mum was coming home !!

As a temp measure they were ok but didnt taster that good to me !!

Hey went to co-op to do food shop first thing (mainly after steamer stuff) and dropped on the best of luck lol

All the veg I wanted I managed to get REDUCED price so its prepared and frozen (spuds not frozen yet) lol

Then move onto fish and meat fresh sections and big packs of meats are on offer lol

Pork, Angus steaks, chicken breasts and salmon lol

Wooo Hoooo got enough meat for 2 weeks and veggies too lol

Then crawled home got given some vouchers so went and spent them with mum via taxi to downtown and back lol

So STEAMER has had a day off shock horror lol

HELP - have some Asparagus spears fresh - to go with dinner today but everywhere I look the steaming instructions are different !!

We only want them slightly crunchy but do I add them part way through or just bung them on top with other stuff under them !!

EVERYTHING is fresh today (no home frozen stuff) !!

Be baby spuds, carrots, asparagus and aberdeeb angus steaks (thin) so what do ya reckon folks on the asparagus ??

Depending how thick the stalks are I generally steam my asparagus on top of everything else and for approx four minutes. Any more time and they become limp. Any less and they are definitely too al dente. You could try testing one after three and a half minutes, but then you risk eating another and another…They are one of my most moreish veggies!

Cheers Mia lol

I will stick em in top basket BUT not add that basket till the other stuff is nearly done then lol

Anyone coming for dinner ??

Dinner is on again: Pork steaks, red skin potatoes, home froze carrots, sugar snap peas all gonna be served with bisto white sauce again !

I'm beginning to wonder why I didn't get a steamer sooner !

Saves alot of hassle health wise from standing in kitchen watching the pans come to boil etc etc that I had to do with cooker !

It has not been used at all in the hot weather but it is on today lol

Its kinda chilly here but its just right for me (weather that is) lol

Got: salad potatoes, home froze carrots and beef steaks in steamer and kettle is on for gravy lol

Anyone wanna come for dinner lol

yes please wheezer, i'm starving!

just got frozen quiche out, but it takes ages!!

Anyone wanna come tomor...........

Opppppppps its today now for din-dins....................

Causa the diabetes the steamer is back in use after a coupla weeks off when I couldnt eat lol

Chicken breast steaks, potatoes, carrots, sugar snap peas and white sauce lol

Anyone for dinner ??? there is plenty lol

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